articles Business Central INLOGICA products Recommended

Stage 2 – Installation and configuration of the environment Business Central

Stage 2
Installation and
configuration of the

As part of this stage, our administrator willprepare the architecture of the system’senvironments to enable smooth implementationwork. The proposed structure also allows theenvironment to function safely after it islaunched for operational activities.

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Any modifications and maintenance of the targetenvironment are simple and follow theinstructions and security policies prepared by ouradministration team, guaranteeing the continuityof the solution’s operation.

In addition, for each instance of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central, it is possible to run three free licenses with access to functionality:

ManufacturingOperational work. Contains business data— access only for authorized and trained users.
TestTesting of add-ons and enhancements before deployment to the production environment. It may contain partial/example business data —access for authorized and trained users.
DeveloperPreparation of programming changes.Includes Microsoft sample data. Access fordevelopers only.
Demonstration/EducationDemo/educational environment. Contains Microsoft sample data. Unlimited access.

For each running instance (tenant) of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central, the manufacturer provides the following infrastructure:

In case of the need to expand the databasecapacity or environments, the manufactureroffers several scenarios. A selection of these arelisted below:

The prices presented above are starting proposals according to the official price list of the manufacturer. As the number of ordered licenses increases, negotiating prices is possible.

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Stage 1 – Licensing Business Central

Stage 1

As part of the first stage, we will prepare, in cooperation with you, a map of the necessary licenses to be launched, whose functionalities will correspond to the system’s end users’ responsibilities. This will enable optimizing subscription expenses and accurately determining the monthly or annual costs of maintaining the system.

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In addition, we will introduce you and your team to our Microsoft Dynamics Business Central implementation methodology. We will prepare the necessary contracts to start the work, the schedule, define the project team, and the details of reporting the result. We will also discuss possible risks and their consequences. This will ensure the process goes smoothly and is understandable and transparent to each party.

This step generates no cost on your side!

The Business Central solution is available in variants:

Base licenses

Additional licenses

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The detailed scope of functionality that eachlicense covers is presented below.

EssentailsFinance, sales, purchasing, warehouse, CRM, human resources, project management
PremiumMicrosoft Dynamics Business Central Essentials functionalities + manufacturing, service
Team MemberUsers with limited access to functionality
DeviceDevice license

In addition, for each instance of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central, it is possible to run three free licenses with access to functionality:

External AccountantMicrosoft Dynamics Business Central Essentials or Premium functionalities, except access to user configuration and administrative tasks

Certified local solutions have been prepared for the Polish market for Microsoft Dynamics Business Central licenses:

The detailed range of functionalities covered byeach license is presented in the table below:

Polish LanguagePolish language layer of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central system
Polish Localization + Polish Language
Solution for adapting Microsoft Dynamics Business Central system to legal and accounting requirements under Polish regulations + Polish language layer of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central system

Proposals INLOGICA

As part of the fee for the base licenses (Essentials andPremium), we offer a free launch of the Polish Localization +Polish Language license. The standard cost is €10 peruser/month. These licenses are delivered as subscriptions,so they are constantly updated to comply with Polishregulations

Inlogica Separator

The prices presented above are starting proposals by themanufacturer’s official price list. As the number of orderedlicenses increases, prices can be negotiated.

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The prices presented above take into account monthly settlements. In case of payment in annual mode, the cost of a license is ten times the monthly fee. Thus, it is possible to adjust the price every year by 16.6% (~2 months free of charge).

Worth remembering

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Business Central from 9900 EURO? Is this even possible?


Of course, it is! We have proven it in practice. In many organizations, we have successfully implemented Microsoft Dynamics Business Central many times in 4 – 6 weeks. And you will receive a ready-to-work system in such a timeframe!

The methodology and work schedule we haveprepared is based on the functionalities andreliable data from the finance and accountingmodule. From there, it’s a simple way to expandthe system in handling warehouses, production,or projects.

We will also help you select other tools from the Microsoft family of business products that will improve your team’s daily work.

5 steps of implementation



Installation and configuration of the environment


Pre-implementation analysis




Modifications (optional)

In the following section of the guide, we have described each in detail and included information on the estimated time consumption of each task and issue. The result of these values is a framework project budget of €9900.

Pay special attention to content labeled:

In these excerpts, you will find relevant information to reduce the risks associated with the implementation process and optimize costs.

These are hints and tips for each stage of thework, summarizing the essential elements ofeach step.

You can learn the details and ask if anythingneeds to be specified. We are at your service.

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Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Part – Model implementation schedule in the financial and accounting area

Microsoft Dynamics Business Central (formerly Microsoft Dynamics NAV) is a component of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform and is an ERP system aimed at small and medium-sized businesses.

Available in 2 basic variants: Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Essentials (modules: finance, sales, purchasing, warehouse, CRM, human resources, project management) and Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Premium (functionalities of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Essentials + manufacturing and service).

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As a part of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, it is an excellent base for developing the organization’s technology base based on other integrated solutions prepared by Microsoft.

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It provides insight into all the most relevant processes within the organization and allows for their ongoing analysis and correction depending on changing conditions. Automating decision-making processes contributes to cost reduction and optimal use of resources.

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Microsoft aims to unify all business tools under one Dynamics 365 platform, and it’s up to the individual preferences of end users to decide which tools are optimal for their daily work. Given our experience, we suggest customers start building this ecosystem from the financial and accounting side within Microsoft Dynamics Business Central ERP (ultimately, everything in business begins and ends with money).

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More information about the methodology we we used can be found here:

Telegraphic Brief

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