articles Business knowledge

Ticket System – Customer Service Automation

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System ticketowy - wprowadzenie do automatyzacji klienta

The ticket system and other automation tools are essential to effective customer service in a world of evolving technology. Companies that implement these solutions gain efficiency, build lasting relationships with customers, and gain a competitive advantage. Automation is a step toward modern, innovative customer service that meets the expectations of today’s consumers.

As customer expectations continue to rise in the digital age, companies are looking for modern solutions to optimize their customer service processes. One of the critical tools in this area is a ticketing system, which effectively integrates with automation to create an efficient way to manage requests and improve customer service.

Why is Automation Important in Customer Service?

Reduced response time

Customer service automation allows for instant response to tickets. The ticket system automatically assigns the request to the appropriate department, eliminating the delays associated with manual assignments.

Increased efficiency

Automation enables rapid analysis of requests and proper prioritization. This lets employees focus on the most important tasks, improving overall service efficiency.

Personalization of communication

Innovative ticketing systems use automation to personalize customer communications. By analyzing data, you can deliver customized content to customers based on their needs and previous interactions.

How do you use automation?

Jak korzystać z automatyzacji

Examples of Companies That Use Automation Effectively

Benefits of Automation in Customer Service

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Reports for Azure DevOps and add-on 7 pace Time tracker – Power BI

What is Microsoft Power Bi

More information about the application here:

An example of the use of the Power BI application at our client

The client’s organization heavily uses Scrum and Azure DevOps tool with 7 pace Time tracker add-on.

The client reported a need for automatic reporting of hours worked for recipients of their services and internal task oversight. Microsoft PowerBI turned out to be the natural choice. Ina very short period, our client received an entirely satisfactory result in the form of a flexible screen with reports.

It became extremely easy to distribute tasks and manage time.

Podgląd raportu Power Bi

Another added value was creating an automatic hour-reporting mechanism for customers. In this case, all that was needed was to use the PowerBI Report Builder tool and the Email Subscription function from the PowerBI service.

Customers received reports in real-time with information on what actions were taken and how much time it took. It also translated into easier invoicing for services rendered.


Reporting using the PowerBI tool has been rated by users as the best product on the market. It is competitive both in terms of visuals and ease of use.

Podgląd raportu Power BI

Author of the text: Marcin Piotr

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Meeting room reservations – Power Apps

What is Microsoft Power Apps
Power Apps application example

Description of the application

The application is designed to book a meeting room with just a few clicks

Data source

The application’s data source is Office 365 Outlook and Office 365 Users.

The appearance of the application

The layout of elements and colors can be fully configured according to users’ needs. You can use ready-made templates or give your styles.

Główny panel aplikacji
Main application panel

The user can edit an existing appointment or set up a new one.

Podgląd kalendarza spotkań
Meeting calendar preview

In the application, there is a calendar. After expanding the list on the left, we can select the meeting date we want to modify.

Wybieranie dany spotkania
Selecting a date for the meeting
Podgląd utworzonego spotkania
Preview of the created meeting

When you select a date, the scheduled appointments will be displayed.

Edycja spotkania
Editing a meeting

We can edit the date, time, and place once we select the meeting we are interested in.

Podgląd edytowanego spotkania
Preview of the edited meeting

Po kliknięciu przycisku pod wybraną lokalizacją spotkanie się edytuje.

Informacja o utworzeniu spotkania
The meeting edits itself when you click the button under the selected location.
Podląg spotkania
Information about the creation of the meeting

For the option to create a new meeting, we proceed similarly.


This presented application is just the tip of the iceberg of possibilities Microsoft Power Apps offers. There are many options, and the appearance and functionality of our applications depend mainly on the goals and requirements we set before creating them.

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Automatic data import from Excel – Power Apps

What is Microsoft Power Apps

Application of Power Apps in importing data from Excel – example

Description of the application

The application is designed to automatically import data from Excel and present it to the user in an easy-to-read form.

Source of data

The application’s data source is an Excel spreadsheet stored in the Microsoft OneDrive cloud. Example data presenting statistics of website positioning – SEO:

Tabela Excel z danymi
Excel data table

The data entered in the sheet is automatically retrieved by Power Apps. The data in the sheet must be stored as a table.

App Appearance

The layout of elements and colors can be fully configured according to users’ needs. You can use ready-made templates or give your styles.

Wygląd aplikacji Power Apps
Data preview and range selection

The user selects the date range from which to display the data. Only those in the sheet will be displayed

Navigation buttons

The application has buttons that allow the user to switch between views containing graphs of individual data

Wykres w Power Apps
Chart based on data

The view above shows a graph of the data in the indicated year by month


The presented application is only a substitute for Microsoft Power Apps’ solutions. The possibilities are endless. How our applications will be given depends primarily on the goals and requirements we set for ourselves.

Author of the text: Maksymilian Śniegocki

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Integrating Power Apps, Power BI with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

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Integracja Power Apps, Power Bi z Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Today’s companies increasingly realize the crucial role of integrating different technologies into their business processes. One excellent example of synergy is the Power Apps and Power BI combination with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central. In this article, we will take a closer look at this issue, highlighting the benefits of this integration and how each of these technologies can work with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central.

Power Apps, Power BI with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Benefits of integrating Power Apps, Power BI with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Integrating Power Apps with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Connecting Power Apps with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central enables creating enterprise-specific applications. As a result, even without developed programming knowledge, the user interface can be customized to specific business processes, enhancing the user experience.

Integration of Power BI with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Integrating Power BI programs with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central allows you to use advanced data analysis features. Visualization of key performance indicators and business trends enables rapid decision-making based on sound analysis of data collected in the ERP system.

Połączenie technologi Microsoft - jakie płyną korzyści

Combining all three technologies - what are the benefits


Integrating Power Apps, Power BI with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central provides a powerful tool to support modern enterprises in effectively managing data and business processes. The benefits of this synergy include increased operational efficiency, better data analysis, customized solutions, and rapid adaptation to change. Investing in this integration can bring real benefits, strengthening a company’s position in a competitive market.

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Microsoft 365 Copilot – what can it do?

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Microsoft 365 Copilot co potrafi

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an AI tool that transforms how you work by combining the power of machine learning with Office applications. It makes it easier to automate tasks and offers intelligent assistance with daily tasks, increasing productivity and efficiency. Enabling Copilot in Office 365 is simple and usually available in the application settings. It allows you to analyze data, create documents, and manage communications faster. Copilot is the future of office work, enabling more accessible and intuitive use of tools, from analyzing data to creating presentations.

What can Microsoft 365 Copilot do?

Copilot uses advanced AI algorithms to understand work context and helps automate tasks. It can suggest content for Word documents, analyze complex data summaries in Excel, and help design PowerPoint presentations.

How do I enable Microsoft Office 365 Copilot?

Enabling Copilot in Office 365 is usually done through application settings, where users can activate the AI feature. It can also be part of a more extensive Office update automatically available to subscribers.

  1. Log in to your Microsoft 365 account.
  2. Go to the Office 365 administration center.
  3. Depending on the feature you want to enable, look for the appropriate section, such as “Settings” or “Services & Add-ons.”
  4. Find the feature you want to enable – this may require browsing through available apps and add-ons.
  5. Enable the feature according to the instructions provided.

If “Microsoft Office 365 Copilot” is an add-on or application available as part of Office 365, you may need to download and install the corresponding extension or application. In this case, the installation process may also involve visiting the Microsoft Store or another Microsoft resource from where you can download the necessary software.

How it affects our work - an overview of the facilities.

Copilot is changing the face of office work, minimizing the need to perform routine tasks and allowing people to focus on more creative aspects of their work. This will enable employees to be more productive and efficient.

Podsumowanie możliwości i narzędzi dostarczanych przez software Copilot

Summary of the capabilities and tools provided by Copilot software

Copilot provides various tools to make work easier, such as automatic summaries, report generation, and visual material design. It is a comprehensive support that adapts to the user’s needs.

How do you effectively use Microsoft Office Copilot in your daily work?

To use Copilot effectively, you need to have a good understanding of its functions and capabilities. It is worth starting with simple tasks and gradually implementing more complex processes so that the tool becomes an integral part of office work. See a variety of daily work applications that make tasks more accessible and more automated:

articles Other Microsoft products Recommended

What is Microsoft Copilot?

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Czym jest Microsoft Copilot

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, Microsoft Copilot represents a revolution in human-computer interaction. It is an advanced artificial intelligence (AI)-based platform for streamlining many aspects of office work and communication, offered as part of Microsoft 365. Thanks to innovative algorithms, Microsoft Copilot allows complex tasks to be performed with simple voice commands or typing, significantly increasing user efficiency and productivity.

Microsoft AI - services and products

Azure AI: Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform offers AI services that allow companies to build and deploy their artificial intelligence models. This includes machine learning tools, natural language processing services, conversational bots, and more.

Microsoft 365: AI is integrated into Microsoft 365 applications such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and Teams to support users with automated suggestions, data analysis, and improved collaboration.

Cognitive Services: is a collection of AI APIs that enable developers to add computer vision, speech recognition, language processing, and knowledge understanding capabilities to their applications.

Microsoft Power Platform: this platform, which includes Power BI, Power Apps, and Power Automate, uses AI to enable users to create intelligent applications without writing code and automate tasks and workflows.

Project Bonsai: is Microsoft’s AI platform for building autonomous systems. It enables specialists and engineers to create AI models to improve industrial processes and manufacturing.

Dynamics 365: AI is also used in Dynamics 365, Microsoft’s suite of business applications, to optimize business operations, predict sales trends, and offer better customer support through data insights.

Xbox and gaming: AI personalizes player experiences, optimizes game difficulty levels, and creates more realistic environments.

Windows Copilot refers to productivity tools that are part of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, such as Microsoft Teams, which enable real-time user collaboration and communication

How does Microsoft 365 Copilot work?

Microsoft 365 Copilot uses AI technologies to analyze data, text, images, and graphics to provide users with immediate answers and assistance with ongoing tasks. It acts like a personal assistant that answers questions and suggests optimal actions. Integration with Microsoft 365 applications, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, allows you to generate documents instantly, create advanced data analysis, and even automatically design presentations according to guidelines.

Benefits of using Microsoft Copilot

There are several benefits to using Microsoft Copilot. First of all, it saves time by automating routine tasks. Users can focus on the creative aspect of their work while repetitive processes are automated. Copilot also enables quick access to information by searching and analyzing data across the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, dramatically speeding up decision-making processes. In addition, thanks to natural language, the interface is intuitive and accessible even to the less tech-savvy.

Ułatwienia w pracy dzięki technologii AI

Making work easier with AI technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming vital in solving everyday business problems. Microsoft Copilot is an example of an AI application that can help with workflow, project management, education, and training. Features such as automatically summarizing long documents, analyzing trends in data, or detecting and correcting errors are becoming invaluable aids in everyday work.

Collaboration and information sharing with Windows Copilot

Windows Copilot is the next step in integrating artificial intelligence into the operating system. It facilitates user collaboration by sharing documents, presentations, and other materials in real time. It also enables remote assistance using voice or text commands, particularly useful for geographically dispersed teamwork. This functionality is changing the way we work, learn, and interact, opening new opportunities for business and education at a distance.

Microsoft Copilot how to enable

Microsoft Copilot is a feature within some Microsoft 365 applications and may be available in various services such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and others. To enable and use Copilot, you usually need to follow the steps below:

Suppose Copilot is a new feature, or you are a beta program participant. In that case, access to it is limited and requires a unique invitation or enablement by your organization’s IT administrator.

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central licensing model

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Modele licencjonowania Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central licensing model is mainly based on a flexible monthly subscription-oriented approach that provides companies with comprehensive ERP solutions under personalized plans. This option allows you to scale your resources based on your company’s needs while ensuring cost control.

A perpetual usage plan is also available based on the right to use the system license in perpetuity. The fee for this solution is divided into two components- a license depending on the number of modules and users and an annual subscription called Enhancement Plan.

The third solution is the on-cloud model (Software as a Service), in which all the basic infrastructure, middleware, and application data reside in a Microsoft Azure database. This option allows customers to get up and running quickly with minimal upfront cost.

License types and entitlements in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Licensing within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central includes a variety of entitlement types to suit the diverse needs of organizations. The primary license categories are Full Users and Team Members. At no additional charge within the license, Microsoft also grants one administrative user and one user for so-called external accounting.

We can divide the Full User license into two additional categories, but note that they cannot be combined within the same environment. These licenses are Essentials- providing access to financial, supply chain, project management, or sales and marketing functionalities. Premium- This allows you to perform all the functions of the Essentials category, further extending the capabilities to include service and production management.

A Team Members license user is a partial Dynamics 365 Business Central user. Its license privileges allow it to read any data in the system while significantly limiting its writing capabilities.

The Device license associated with a device is also worth mentioning. It allows you to assign a license to a specific device instead of a user. This is particularly useful when several employees use the same device (a terminal) in manufacturing plants or warehouses.

Essential license

A primary type of license designed for companies requiring access to most areas.

It allows access to such areas as Reports, Finance, CRM, Sales, Warehouse, etc. Users with this license can create and manage sales and purchase documents, track financial transactions, plan budgets, and generate reports.

It is more affordable than the Premium license, making it a fitting option for companies not deeply involved in intensive business operations but still needs access to the system’s vital information.

Premium License

A license with access to the full range of features included in the Essentials license is extended with additional capabilities, allowing you to take full advantage of the ERP system’s potential.

In addition to managing finances, sales, and purchases, it allows access to service management or production functions, such as planning and process tracking.

The Premium license is designed for companies that want to use the full potential of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Team Members license

It is designed for users who only require access to essential information and reports.

It allows viewing data, approving tasks, or generating reports but does not provide full editing capabilities or create transactions.

It provides a cost-effective option for employees who are not involved in intensive business operations but require access to the information contained in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Integracja z Microsoft Outlook

Integration with Microsoft Outlook

It is possible to easily combine access to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with a Microsoft Outlook account through an add-in that allows you to manage business interactions with customers and suppliers directly in Microsoft Outlook. The Business Central add-on for Outlook will enable you to view financial data related to customers and suppliers and create and send financial documents such as quotes or invoices.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers a variety of licensing options, enabling companies to customize their ERP system and support business growth. The licensing model is based on a flexible subscription, perpetual licensing, or an on-cloud solution. With Essential, Premium, and Team Member categories, enterprises can customize licenses to meet their business’s different needs and responsibilities. In addition, per-device and third-party accountant licenses enable simplified system use internally.

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What is Microsoft Power Apps?

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Power Apps czym jest

Microsoft Power Apps is a tool created by Microsoft that allows you to create customized business applications. With this platform, even people without advanced programming experience can quickly and easily develop applications, tailored to the unique needs of their organization.

It’s worth noting that Microsoft Power Apps provides a simple interface that allows you to use ready-made templates, while offering you the ability to customize the features and appearance of your applications. As a result, efficiency depends mainly on the user’s creativity and needs.

The platform also offers integrations with other Microsoft tools and services, making it a frequent choice for companies using the manufacturer’s solutions.

How does the Power Apps platform work?

Learn about some key elements that describe how this platform works:

Description of the key components of Microsoft Power Apps

Zastosowanie Microsoft Power Apps w biznesie

Usage of Microsoft Power Apps in business

Microsoft Power Apps is used in various business areas to automate processes, collect data, create interactive reports or customize tools to meet specific enterprise needs. While it has its limitations, especially for advanced developers, it is an effective tool for most users to quickly deploy personalized applications without the need for programming resources.

Power Apps finds application in:

Advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft Power Apps



articles Business knowledge

What software facilitates the company’s work?

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Jakie oprogramowanie ułatwia pracę w firmie

In today’s dynamic business environment, effective business management requires the use of appropriate software. Business management programs play a key role in optimizing operations, increasing productivity and enabling faster decision-making. The popular Microsoft 365 (previously Microsoft Office) suite is a solid foundation for many businesses. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Teams are tools that enable comprehensive word processing, spreadsheet creation, presentations, email management and team collaboration capabilities. 

In addition to Microsoft 365, it’s also worth noting specialized solutions such as ERP systems, business intelligence and other programs that greatly facilitate daily work. 

Learn about ERP software

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are an essential part of modern business management. They offer comprehensive solutions that integrate different departments of a company into a coherent platform. This allows for more efficient management of resources, finances, production and logistics. It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the solutions available on the market and consult with experts to find the most suitable tool for your company’s specifics. 

One of Microsoft’s main ERP systems is Microsoft Dynamics 365, an advanced solution that integrates business processes and enables close cooperation between different departments in your company. Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers a wide range of capabilities, including customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, data analysis and much more. This allows companies to optimize processes and respond quickly to changing market conditions. 

Another tool worth mentioning in Microsoft’s ERP portfolio is Microsoft Dynamics Business Central. This solution is aimed primarily at small and medium-sized businesses. Dynamics Business Central allows you to manage finance, sales, customer service and operations on a global scale. With its flexibility and cloud-based availability, the tool allows companies to grow and adapt to changing business needs. 

Both platforms offer cloud-based solutions that allow for easy scalability, flexible access and continuous updates. Depending on the size, specifics and business goals of your company, you may want to consider using these solutions. 

How does Business Intelligence software work?

Business Intelligence (BI) software is another important part of the suite of tools that make running a business easier. BI allows you to collect, analyze and present business data in a way that is easy to understand and relevant to decision-making. It is worth mentioning that BI systems can generate reports, forecasts and analysis, which are invaluable in planning a company’s growth strategy. This allows managers to make more informed decisions based on reliable information.  

Power BI, developed by Microsoft, is one of the leading data analysis and visualization tools in the business intelligence field. The tool allows users to effectively integrate, analyze and display data from various sources in one place. With an intuitive user interface, the Power BI service allows users to create dynamic reports and interactive dashboards, making important information easier to understand. 

In addition, the Power BI service can generate forecasts, trends and advanced analysis to help manage data more effectively. Thanks to integration with Microsoft Azure cloud, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics Business Central and other advanced features, Power BI helps harness the full potential of data to make informed business decisions instantly. 

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What programs can still be useful for running a business?

In addition to ERP and Business Intelligence systems, there are many other programs that make running a business much easier. For example, accounting programs are important tools in the financial field. They automate the process of invoicing, tracking payments and monitoring account balances. It’s also worth thinking about project management tools to help organize teamwork and monitor project progress. 

Licensing issues related to the use of software are also important. Carefully check the types of licenses offered by your vendor before purchasing. Licensing includes various models, including one-time licenses, subscription licenses and free open-source software.