articles Business knowledge

What is an export invoice?

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Co to jest faktura eksportowa

An export invoice is a commercial document issued by a seller when selling goods or services outside the country. It is the basic export document that confirms the international transaction and specifies the terms of sale, including prices, quantities, and product specifications. The export invoice is necessary for customs clearance and tax settlement in both the exporter’s and importer’s countries. A properly issued export invoice avoids problems with customs authorities and ensures tax compliance.

The difference between an export invoice and a European invoice

An export invoice is different from a European invoice, which is used for trade within the European Union. The European invoice, also known as an intra-community invoice, is used for transactions between EU member countries. The main differences between the two types of invoices are:

How to issue an export invoice

Issuing an export invoice requires diligence and compliance. Here are the steps to take:

Jak wystawić fakturę eksportową

Exporting goods and VAT

When exporting goods outside the European Union, these transactions are exempt from VAT. To take advantage of this exemption, it is necessary to meet certain conditions and have the appropriate documents to confirm the export of goods. The most important documents include:


An export invoice is a crucial document in international trade that differs from a European invoice in terms of taxes, customs clearance, and required information. Issuing such an invoice requires diligence and compliance with the laws of both the exporter’s and importer’s countries. Goods exported are exempt from VAT, which requires the appropriate documents to confirm the export. With a properly drafted export invoice, businesses can avoid problems with customs and tax authorities, which is crucial for smooth international transactions.

articles Business knowledge

What is a DMS?

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Co to jest DMS?

A Document Management System (DMS) is software used to store, organize, control, and track electronic documents within a company. Its main purpose is to enable efficient records management while ensuring security and easy access to stored information.

A DMS can handle different types of documents, such as text files, spreadsheets, presentations, images, and scans of paper documents. Thanks to modern technology, these systems offer a variety of functions that make it easy to manage records, including storage, versioning, retrieval, and collaboration on documents.

DMS software - key features

DMS systems offer various functions essential to effective document management in an organization. Among the most important of these are:

Advantages of using a DMS system

Using a DMS system in a company brings many advantages that translate into efficiency and security in document management. Among the most important benefits are:

Zalety stosowania systemu DMS

What costs are associated with using a document management program?

The costs associated with implementing and using a DMS can vary depending on the solution chosen and the company’s specific needs. The following are the main factors affecting costs:

Benefits for companies using a DMS program

The benefits of using a DMS for a company are manifold and can significantly impact the business. Here are some of the most important ones:


A Document Management System (DMS) is a tool that can significantly improve a company’s records management. Offering key functions such as storage, versioning, access control, retrieval, and workflow management, a DMS brings many benefits, including increased work efficiency, cost savings, improved collaboration and communication, enhanced data security, and regulatory compliance.

articles Business knowledge

What is a data warehouse?

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Co to jest hurtowania danych

In the face of dynamic digital development, where the amount of collected data proliferates, a data warehouse is an essential tool for many companies. It allows storing, processing, and analyzing vast data sets that support an organization’s decision-making and strategic processes. Below, we will present a closer overview of a data warehouse, its advantages, components, and specific variants.

A data warehouse, or a data warehouse, is a specialized database designed to store large amounts of data from various sources. Its primary purpose is to facilitate data analysis and reporting to support decision-making processes within an organization. Unlike traditional databases, a data warehouse is optimized for processing analytical queries and performing complex operations on large data sets.

Benefits of using a data warehouse

Using a data warehouse brings several benefits to an organization:

What can a data warehouse store?

A data warehouse can store a variety of data types, including:

What are the main elements of a data warehouse?

The main elements of a data warehouse are:

Czym jest hurtowania danych w chmurze

What is a cloud data warehouse?

A cloud data warehouse is a solution in which the infrastructure and resources needed to store and process data are provided as a cloud service. It offers flexibility, scalability, and rapid deployment, eliminating the need to invest in your IT infrastructure. Popular cloud-based data warehousing platforms include Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Azure Synapse Analytics.

What is a modern data warehouse?

A modern data warehouse is a flexible and scalable solution that uses advanced data processing technologies and techniques, such as real-time analytics, machine learning, or natural language processing. Modern data warehouses are often based on cloud-based architectures and use Big Data technologies and analytical tools to provide fast access, advanced analytics, and support for diverse data sources.

In summary, a data warehouse is essential for organizations seeking to manage and analyze data effectively. It provides consistency, ease of access, and support for decision-making processes, enabling organizations better to understand their business, customers, and market.

articles Business knowledge

What is ETL?

Spis treści
Co to jest ETL?

Today, data plays a vital role in the operation of businesses, and data processing and integration processes are becoming extremely important. One of the essential tools used in these processes is ETL. Let’s look at ETL, why it is so critical to a business environment, and its main components and tools.

ETL is an acronym for Extract, Transform, Load, which in Polish means extract, transform, and load. It is a process that converts data from different sources into one consistent database or data warehouse.

Why are ETL processes critical?

ETL processes ensure data quality, consistency, and access to up-to-date information. They enable:

Components of the ETL process

The ETL process consists of three main steps:

The first step in the ETL process is extracting data from various sources. These sources include relational databases, text files, XML documents, web APIs, and spreadsheets. Extraction involves passing data from these sources to the transformation process. In this step, it is decided what data is needed and how it is extracted – whether in whole or only in part, based on specific criteria such as date or logical condition.

Another important step is data transformation. Data is subjected to various transformation operations in this process, including cleaning, normalizing, enriching, aggregating, or combining with other data. Transformation aims to ensure data consistency, correctness, and usability. For example, duplicates may be removed, dates formatted, text values converted to numeric values, or new columns created from existing data.

The final step in the ETL process is to load the processed data into the target database, data warehouse, or data store. This step stores the data in the target structure and formatting while maintaining consistency and integrity. The loading process can involve creating new tables, updating existing data, or generating reports on the results of the ETL process.

Jak działa narzędzie ETL?

How does an ETL tool work? (Working with data using tools)

ETL tools enable the automation and management of ETL processes. With them, users can:

These processes are often visually modeled in graphical interfaces, making them easy to configure and manage.

Tools and technologies used in the ETL process

Various tools and technologies are used in the ETL process, such as:

Advantages of using "ETL" tools

The use of ETL tools brings many benefits, such as:

Numerous tools and platforms for data processing and integration are available on the market. Some of the most popular are:

ETL is a critical process in data processing and integration, enabling the effective management, analysis, and use of information in a business environment. Choosing the right ETL tools and technologies and using them skillfully can contribute significantly to a company’s success and competitiveness in a dynamic data world.

articles Business knowledge

What is Business Intelligence?

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Co to jest Business Intelligence

Information is one of the most valuable resources available to any company in the digital age. Skillful use of collected data can bring significant benefits in the form of a better understanding of the market, competitive advantage, and increased operational efficiency. This is where Business Intelligence, or business analytics, comes to the rescue.

Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of techniques, tools, and practices for collecting, processing, analyzing, and presenting business data to support an organization’s decision-making processes. The main goal of BI is to transform raw data into useful information that helps businesses understand their operations, identify trends, and forecast future events.

How does BI work?

BI collects data from various sources, such as databases, ERP, or CRM systems, and then processes and analyzes it. This process involves cleaning, transforming, and loading the data into a data warehouse. This phase is followed by the analysis stage, which examines the data for specific indicators or trends. The results are then presented as easy-to-read reports, charts, or dashboards.

BI technology and tools

BI technologies and tools include:

Types of BI solutions

There are several main types of BI solutions, such as:

Rodzaje rozwiązań BI

Benefits of implementing BI systems

Implementing BI systems brings many benefits, such as:

Business Intelligence application in business

Business Intelligence finds application in many areas of business. The marketing and sales sector allows a better understanding of customer behavior and preferences, enabling more effective targeting of advertising and promotional campaigns. BI helps optimize inventory levels, forecast demand, and streamline logistics processes in inventory and supply chain management. In finance and accounting, it enables profitability analysis, financial risk management, and cost and revenue monitoring. In addition, in human resource management, BI can support recruitment, training, and employee performance analysis.

How do you introduce business intelligence to your company?

To introduce BI in a company, it is helpful to go through several key steps:

In summary, Business Intelligence is an integral part of modern business management, enabling better use of data to make informed and effective decisions. However, implementing BI in a company requires proper planning, team commitment, and investment in the right technologies and tools.

articles Business knowledge

What is artificial intelligence?

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Czym jest sztuczna inteligencja

In today’s dynamic technological world, the term “artificial intelligence” (AI) is becoming increasingly common. But what exactly is artificial intelligence? What are its applications in businesses, and what benefits can it bring? In this comprehensive article, we take a closer look at artificial intelligence’s nature, applications, and challenges.

Artificial intelligence refers to the field of computer science that deals with creating computer systems capable of performing tasks that usually require human intelligence. These systems are programmed to analyze data, recognize patterns, make decisions, and learn and adapt to a changing environment. Artificial intelligence tasks include speech recognition, image analysis, decision-making, problem-solving, and more. AI seeks to mimic human intelligence through algorithms, machine learning, neural networks, and other techniques.

What does artificial intelligence mean?

Artificial intelligence refers to computer systems’ ability to learn independently, adapt to new situations, understand natural language, and make decisions based on collected data. AI seeks to create machines that are capable of undertaking tasks that were previously only possible for humans.

How can AI technology help organizations?

AI technology can help organizations in many areas, including automating processes, analyzing data, personalizing services, optimizing operations, detecting fraud and anomalies, and predicting market trends. As a result, artificial intelligence technology opens up many opportunities for organizations to improve efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness in the market. However, to effectively harness the potential of AI, organizations must adequately prepare for implementing this technology by ensuring that they have the right resources, competencies, and strategy.

AI in the enterprise

In enterprises, artificial intelligence is used in many areas, such as marketing, sales, customer service, human resource management, or production and logistics.

Jak przedsiębiorstwa wykorzystują AI

How companies are using AI

Enterprises use AI to automate routine tasks, analyze data, forecast market trends, personalize offers, or optimize production processes.

AI in company operations - benefits and challenges

Implementing AI in a company’s operations can bring many benefits, such as increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving the quality and precision of operations. However, there are also challenges in integrating new technologies, training employees, and ensuring data security.

Examples of artificial intelligence implementations

Examples of artificial intelligence implementations include recommendation systems in streaming services, chatbots in customer service, fraud detection systems in financial transactions, or robots for warehouse automation.

How to take the first steps with AI

The first step in implementing artificial intelligence in a company is to understand the needs and goals of the organization and identify areas where AI can bring the most significant benefit. This should be followed by assessing available technologies and tools and developing an implementation and employee training plan.

AI as a strategic imperative and competitive advantage

In today’s business world, artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming an indispensable tool for achieving competitive advantage and ensuring success in the market. Companies that can effectively use AI will likely grow faster and more profitable.

From artificial intelligence to adaptive intelligence

In the future, artificial intelligence may evolve into adaptive intelligence, which will be able to learn independently, adapt to changing conditions, and make decisions based on the knowledge and experience gained.

Getting help with artificial intelligence

For companies that want to get started with artificial intelligence, there are many ways to get help, such as consulting experts, training employees, and using off-the-shelf solutions and tools available on the market. In conclusion, artificial intelligence is not just a tool but a strategic imperative for companies in today’s global market. By implementing AI in their operations, organizations can achieve greater efficiency and better competitiveness and secure their place at the forefront of the technological revolution.

articles Other Microsoft products Recommended

Copilot in Microsoft 365 now supports an additional 16 languages

Copilot w Microsoft 365 przemówił po polsku

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an advanced AI-powered tool that revolutionizes daily work by integrating machine learning technology with Office applications.

Now Copilot in Microsoft 365 supports 16 languages, including Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal), Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian. These languages join Copilot’s existing list of supported languages, which includes Chinese (Simplified), English (US, GB, AU, CA, IN), French (FR, CA), German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (BR), and Spanish (ES, MX).

Would you like to use it? Apply to us:

articles Business knowledge

What is Big Data?

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Co to jest Big Data

In today’s world, where information is a crucial source of success, “Big Data” is becoming increasingly common. But what is Big Data? What are the principles, types of data, technologies, and benefits of Big Data?

Big Data can be defined as a term that refers to massive data sets that are too large, too complex, or changing too rapidly to be efficiently processed using traditional data analysis methods. These four “Vs” – Volume, Variety, Velocity, and Veracity – define the essence of Big Data. It is a phenomenon that significantly impacts many areas of life, from business to science and government.

How does Big Data work?

Big Data is based on advanced data processing technologies that allow the collection, storage, analysis, and use of large amounts of data in a scalable and efficient way to extract valuable information and patterns. The fundamental techniques used in Big Data are distributed data processing, machine learning techniques, predictive analysis, and data mining.

Types of data in Big Data analysis (Structured vs. Unstructured)

There are two main types of data in Big Data analysis: structured and unstructured. Structured data have a defined structure and can be easily organized in tables or databases, such as numeric data, text data, or dates. Unstructured data, on the other hand, requires more precise structures, such as media files, emails, social media posts, or globalization data, which need a more transparent structure, making their analysis more challenging.

Technologie i wykorzystywanie Big Data

Technologies Used in Big Data

Various technologies and tools are used in Big Data to enable efficient processing, analysis, and use of large data sets. Among the most popular technologies are NoSQL database management systems, streaming data processing platforms, cloud-based data analysis tools, and machine learning frameworks such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and TensorFlow.

Applications and benefits of using Big Data

Big Data is used in various fields, from business to medicine to government and administration. Analyzing vast amounts of data makes it possible to forecast market trends, personalize services, optimize production processes, improve medical diagnostics, or prevent crime. The benefits of using Big Data include increased efficiency, better understanding of customers, faster business decisions, or enhanced quality of life through better health or transportation services.

Who is using Big data?

Organizations and institutions use Big Data, whether large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, academic institutions, public administration, non-profit organizations, or individual researchers. For example, companies use Big Data to analyze customer and market data better to understand their needs and preferences. In contrast, researchers can use Big Data to study complex scientific or social problems. Public administration uses Big Data to analyze demographic, health, or economic data to make better decisions and improve public systems.

In summary, Big Data is not just about large data sets but also about how to analyze and use them to make critical decisions. Thanks to increasingly sophisticated technologies and tools, the potential that Big Data brings with it is enormous and growing all the time. Companies and organizations using these resources effectively can achieve a competitive advantage in the market. With the rapid development of technology and the growing importance of data in today’s world, big data is becoming an increasingly important tool for businesses, science, and governments, contributing to a better understanding of the world and making more informed decisions.

articles Business knowledge

ERP in supply chain management

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ERP w zarządzaniu łańcuchem dostaw

Effective supply chain management is critical to a company’s success in today’s business environment. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a vital role in this process, enabling the integration of different business areas and streamlining the flow of information. In this article, we will look at the role of ERP in supply chain management, the critical functions of these systems, the benefits of using them effectively, and summarize the key findings.

ERP systems are a vital part of the IT infrastructure of many companies, enabling the integration of different business areas and improving their management. In supply chain management, ERP plays a vital role as a tool that allows comprehensive monitoring and control of all stages of delivering products or services, from suppliers to production, warehousing, and end customers.

Key functions of an ERP system in supply chain management

Korzysci z efektywnego zarządzania łańuchem dostaw przez oprogramowanie ERP

Benefits of effective supply chain management through ERP software

Summary and conclusions

Implementing an ERP system in supply chain management brings numerous benefits to companies, improving efficiency and control and reducing operating costs. However, it is crucial to adapt the ERP system appropriately to the company’s specific operations and work closely with external business partners. Therefore, companies should think carefully about their needs and goals before implementing an ERP system for supply chain management. It is also worth noting that implementing an ERP system is a complex process requiring the involvement of management and employees at various levels of the organization.

articles Business knowledge

New schedule for making KSeF mandatory

Nowy harmonogram wprowadzania obowiązkowego ksef

The Finance Ministry has completed an external audit of the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF), which revealed the need to revamp the system’s infrastructure. This step is expected to ensure the expected efficiency of the system and, consequently, the stability of economic turnover. For businesses, this means a significant postponement of the mandatory KSeF deadline.

The new timetable for introducing mandatory KSeF assumes a gradual implementation of e-Invoices.

For businesses whose turnover in 2025 exceeded PLN 200 million, KSeF will be mandatory from February 1, 2026, and the rest from April 1, 2026.

If you plan to integrate your Microsoft Dynamics AX/365 system with KSeF or are looking for a solution for NAV/Business Central, contact the experts.

Don’t delay implementing KSeF
to Microsoft Dynamics 365/AX.

We will help you effectively prepare to handle invoices
according to the new legal obligations