articles Business knowledge

GTU code – what is it, what are the designations and when to use them?

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Kod GTU - co to jest, jakie są oznaczenia i kiedy ich używać?

GTU codes are special designations intended to classify goods and services in transactions subject to VAT. They are mandatory for certain types of goods and services, and their use is intended to help tax authorities identify potentially risky areas of business activity. These codes are assigned to transactions within JPK_V7M (monthly) or JPK_V7K (quarterly), the modern tax reporting form.

GTU codes are used only for specific goods and services indicated in the regulations. They do not apply to all transactions – their application is limited to cases specified by the legislator. Any entrepreneur who sells goods or services from the GTU list must assign the corresponding code to his transaction when submitting the JPK_V7 file.

What is a GTU code?

A GTU code is a designation assigned to a specific group of goods or services that are particularly relevant from a fiscal perspective. These codes allow for detailed data analysis on sales of goods and services, making it easier for tax authorities to monitor turnover and identify potential tax abuses, such as VAT carousels.

The obligation to use GTU codes applies to transactions related to certain types of goods (e.g., fuels, precious metals, tobacco products) and services (e.g., legal, consulting, or transportation services). The GTU code does not have to be visible on the invoice but should be included in the JPK_V7 file sent to the authority.

GTU codes – To whom do they apply?

The obligation to use GTU codes applies to VAT taxpayers who sell goods or provide services covered by the obligation to mark them. Only some companies will have to use these codes, which are assigned only to strictly defined groups of goods and services.

Businesses that must use GTU codes include:

What GTU designations are applicable?

GTU codes are divided into 13 groups, each corresponding to certain goods or services. Here is the list of applicable GTU designations:

Entrepreneurs should carefully check whether their business involves the sale of goods or provision of services from the above list to mark transactions correctly.

Jakie oznaczenia GTU są obowiązujące?

What is the GTU code on the invoice? What should you keep in mind?

Although the GTU code does not have to be visible on the invoice itself, it is essential for reporting within the JPK_V7 file. In practice, the entrepreneur should ensure that the accounting system or invoicing software allows the appropriate codes to be assigned to transactions.

Here are some critical rules regarding GTU codes on an invoice:

Lack of GTU designation vs. JPK correction

Incorrect GTU designation or its absence in the JPK_V7 file can lead to errors in tax reporting. If a JPK file is found to have been sent with an incorrect GTU code, the entrepreneur must file a correction.

JPK correction due to a missing or incorrect GTU designation should be done as soon as possible. To avoid problems, entrepreneurs should:

articles Business knowledge

Correction note – what it is and who issues it

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  • What is a correction note?
  • Correction note – what is it used for?
  • Who issues the correction note?
  • Correction note – what must it contain?
Nota korygująca – czym jest i kto ją wystawia

A correction note is a tool used to correct minor errors on invoices. Although most often used by invoice recipients, a correction note is a document that requires the invoice issuer to agree to make changes. Here, we discuss exactly what a correction note is, what functions it performs, who can issue it, and what elements it must contain.

A correction note is a document that allows you to correct minor mistakes on an invoice. It is an alternative to the correction invoice, which the seller issues in case of more serious errors, such as an incorrect amount of tax or inaccurate value of goods. The correction note is often used when the invoice contains minor errors in formal data, such as typos in the contractor’s name, an incorrect address, or a VAT number.

Unlike a correction invoice, which the seller issues, a correction note is issued to the recipient, i.e., the buyer. Thus, it is a tool that allows you to quickly and easily correct an invoice without involving the issuer in correcting formal errors.

What is a correction note?

A correction note is a document that corrects incorrect formal data on an invoice. In the case of minor mistakes, such as a wrong address, VAT number, or a typo in the company name, the buyer of goods or services has the right to issue a correction note and send it to the invoice issuer. This avoids issuing a correction invoice involving a more complex accounting process.

The correction note allows you to correct such elements as:

Note that a correction note is not a document that corrects values on an invoice. It cannot be used to correct such elements as unit price, quantity of goods, gross value, or VAT amount. A correction invoice is used for such corrections, which the seller must issue.

Correction note - what is it used for?

The correction note is used in situations where there are minor formal errors on the invoice that do not affect the amount of the transaction or the value of the tax. It is a document that aims to keep financial records in order while making life easier for both parties to the transaction. Correction notes allow you to easily and quickly correct errors that could lead to misunderstandings or problems during a tax audit.

In practice, the correction note is a convenient solution, as it can be a simple process of correcting the entire document. Its issuance is relatively simple, and it is possible to avoid re-generating the invoice.

Who issues the correction note?

The correction note is issued by the recipient of the invoice, i.e., the buyer of goods or services. It is worth noting that the seller cannot issue a correction note. If the seller notices errors on the invoice that cannot be corrected with a correction note, he must issue a correction invoice.

The procedure for issuing a correction note is as follows:

Although the seller’s acceptance of the correction note is not formally required, it is recommended from the legal and accounting security perspective. Confirmation of acceptance of the correction note can be done electronically, for example, by email, which facilitates the workflow process.

Kto wystawia notę korygującą

Correction note - what must it contain?

For a correction note to be a valid and formally correct document, it should contain certain elements. The essential elements that must be included on the correction note include:

articles Business knowledge

Production planning programs – how to choose the right solution?

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Programy do planowania produkcji - jak wybrać odpowiednie rozwiązanie?

Choosing the right production planning program can significantly affect the efficiency of a company’s production processes. A well-chosen system allows for better work organization, resource optimization, and reduction of production costs. Before choosing the right program, it is worth analyzing your company’s specifics and needs. Is it mass production, unit production, or perhaps of a project nature? What are the main challenges they face? What functions will be necessary for daily tasks?

The next step is to determine the budget and expected implementation time. Some systems, especially the more complex ones, require a more extended implementation period and human resource commitment. It’s also worth consulting other company departments—for example, IT and finance—to assess whether the company has sufficient resources to support the implementation and whether the system is compatible with other tools used in the company.

Production planning software - the principle of operation

Production planning programs are designed to streamline and automate production management processes. Their primary operating principle is based on collecting and analyzing data on production, resources, orders, and time. Based on this data, the system creates a production schedule that considers all essential aspects, such as the availability of machinery, raw materials, employees, and order deadlines.

These systems can operate in real-time, allowing production plans to be monitored and updated according to the current situation. An example would be if one of the critical raw materials is unavailable – the program automatically adjusts the schedule so that production can run smoothly.

Features of a good production management program

Good production scheduling software should meet several basic requirements to support production process management effectively. Among the most important features are:

Production planning software - solutions available on the market

There are many production planning solutions available on the market, which differ in functionality and the way they work. Depending on the size and needs of the company, one can choose ERP-type programs such as SAP, Microsoft Dynamics 365, or Oracle, which offer extensive production management modules and can be tailored to the company’s specific requirements.

APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) systems are also available for companies looking for more specialized tools, such as Preactor or Asprova. These advanced solutions focus mainly on optimizing production schedules and managing resources.

What should you look for when choosing a system for production?

Choosing the right production scheduling software requires considering several vital aspects:

Production planning programs - what to choose?

The right production planning program should depend on the company’s size, specifics, and business goals. Small companies often need more straightforward production planning and monitoring systems without significant investments. For larger manufacturing companies that need to manage complex processes, sophisticated ERP or APS systems will be a better choice.

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Business Central Team Members License – A cost-effective solution for teams ready for the challenge!

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Microsoft Business Central Team Member License

Business Central Team Member - It has more features and less paperwork

Are you looking for an effective and affordable way to engage more employees with Business Central? This license is an excellent option for you. It’s worth noting that it’s not the same as the Dynamics 365 Team Members license – as it offers a unique set of features tailored to tasks that support teams’ daily work.

What possibilities does the Business Central Team Members license offer?

Why choose the Business Central Team Members license?

The Business Central Team Members license is the ideal solution for companies that want to involve a wider team in working with the ERP system. It provides access to key features while maintaining full control over permissions. With this license, a company can take full advantage of Dynamics 365 Business Central without incurring high costs.

By opting for Business Central Team Members, you invest in efficiency, control, and scalability – a solution ideal for modern teams.

Ask our expert for details:

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Final consultations for e-Invoices (KSeF)

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What solutions does the Ministry propose?

The Ministry of Finance has announced the launch of final consultations on implementing the mandatory National e-Invoice System (KSeF). The draft’s work considers the specifics reported by Local Government Units (LGUs) and entrepreneurs’ demands. Comments on the draft law can be submitted until November 19, while business solutions can be submitted until November 22.

Key Changes in KSeF

Phased Implementation of KSeF:

Transition Period:

Support for the “digitally excluded”:

New e-Invoice Structures - what and when.

The proposed changes also apply to the structure of e-invoices. The modifications are expected to streamline the process of marking up TSU invoices, allow the addition of attachments, and introduce a new “employee” role. The latest FA (3) and FA_RR (1) structure will be effective from 2026, with the final version to be implemented before the mandatory KSeF.

This consultation is a crucial step to ensure the quality of solutions before the system is implemented.

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Get ready for KSeF!

Check out the solution for KSeF from INLOGICA for Microsoft Dynamics 365/AX systems.

articles Business knowledge

Advance payment invoice vs. final invoice – differences, application

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Faktura zaliczkowa a faktura końcowa - różnice, zastosowanie

The advance and final invoices are two documents that play a crucial role in business transactions. Although both relate to sales transactions, their purpose, application, and detailed information differ. This article will look at these differences and the uses of both types of invoices.

Advance invoice vs. final invoice - differences, application.

An advance invoice is a document a seller issues when he receives an advance payment for a future transaction. It is a form of payment confirmation that usually does not complete the transaction, but it is the first step in its implementation. On the other hand, a final invoice, also known as a sales invoice, is issued at the end of a transaction when the delivery of goods or services has already been completed, and the total amount to be paid is known.

The main differences between the two types of invoices are the timing of their issuance, the data they contain, and the function they perform in the sales process.

What is an advance invoice used for?

The advance invoice is designed to document the buyer’s advance payment. It is used in cases where the transaction is carried out in several stages or when the value of the service or goods is significant and requires an advance payment before delivery. With an advance invoice, the seller has formal confirmation of receipt of the advance payment, which facilitates subsequent settlement and provides assurance that the transaction is secured.

The advance invoice is also essential for the buyer, as it is a document on which he can claim a VAT refund if the seller fails to fulfill the contract.

Final invoice - the most critical information

The final invoice is a document that summarizes the entire transaction, including the goods or services supplied and the final amount to be paid. It contains all the necessary information, such as the details of the seller and buyer, a description of the goods or services, unit prices, VAT rates, and the due date.

The final invoice should be issued at the end of the transaction after the delivery of goods or services has been completed. It is a crucial document for both parties to the transaction, formalizing all obligations and confirming the performance of the contract.

Faktura zaliczkowa a VAT

Advance payment invoice and VAT

The advance invoice impacts VAT settlement. When an advance invoice is issued, the seller is obliged to pay VAT on the value of the advance. This means the seller should show this VAT in his tax return, even if the total transaction still needs to be completed.

On the other hand, in the case of a final invoice, VAT is settled on the total value of the transaction, considering the previously reported VAT from the advance invoice. In practice, if the buyer has made an advance payment, the VAT from this advance payment should be deducted from the VAT shown on the final invoice.

What are the differences between the advance payment invoice and the final invoice?

The main differences between an advance invoice and a final invoice include:

When to issue a final invoice?

The final invoice should be issued after the completion of the transaction, that is, after the delivery of goods or the performance of services. The final invoice must contain all relevant information, such as:

If the transaction was completed in several stages, the final invoice should consider any advance payments previously made by the buyer.

In summary, the advance and final invoices are vital in the business process. Understanding and correctly issuing them is essential for any organization to manage its finances and effectively meet its tax obligations.

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VAT in the Digital Age: ViDA package approved

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VAT in the Digital Age: ViDA package approved

What does the ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) package mean?

On November 5, 2024, at the ECOFIN (Economic and Financial Affairs Council) meeting, EU member states voted on new VAT regulations. This package includes three main areas of change:

Digital VAT Reporting:

Changes in the Digital Platforms Area:

Single VAT Registration (SVR):

How is it worth preparing for this?

These changes will come into effect gradually. It is worth thinking about a partner who will take care of:

ViDA Package Implementation Schedule

These changes may require your company to prepare for the new legal and technical requirements. Plan to implement the necessary solutions to help you adapt to the new tax reality.

articles Business knowledge

Production marshaling – what is it, and what is the application?

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Marszruta produkcyjna - co to jest, zastosowanie

What is a production route?

A production route, or technological route, is a detailed production plan that includes the sequence of operations needed to produce a product. It provides information on:

Technological (production) route - what is it used for?

The technological route is used mainly in production planning to accurately determine the following work stages and the resources needed. Here are the most critical applications of the production marshal:

Types of times within the production route.

There are several types of times within the production route that are important to the efficiency of the entire production process:

How does the technological route affect production efficiency?

Technological marshaling directly impacts production efficiency, as it helps optimize each process stage. The main ways in which it affects production efficiency are:

Properly planned production marshaling can significantly increase productivity, resulting in better financial results and greater customer satisfaction.

Marszruta produkcyjna a system ERP

Production marshaling vs. ERP system

Modern manufacturing companies are increasingly using ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems to manage all aspects of the business comprehensively, including production marshaling. ERP systems, such as SAP, Oracle, or Microsoft Dynamics, integrate manufacturing, logistics, and financial processes, enabling precise production planning and monitoring.

What are the benefits of manufacturing markup in an ERP system?

articles Business knowledge

BOM (bill of materials) – what it is, types, benefits

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BOM (bill of materials) - co to jest, rodzaje, korzyści

BOM (Bill of Materials) is a crucial document used in manufacturing and logistics. It lists all components, materials, and raw materials needed to produce the final product. Many manufacturing companies base their processes on the BOM to manage resources and costs and ensure a smooth production process.

A thorough understanding of a BOM and its benefits allows companies to plan, produce, and deliver better products to market.

What is a BOM?

A BOM, or bill of materials, describes a product’s complete structure and contains information about all the elements necessary to produce it. The BOM includes raw materials, semi-finished products, parts, technical documentation, and instructions. It is a tool for determining the bill of materials and a way to describe precisely how the various components are related.

A BOM usually consists of several levels, depending on the complexity of the product. Each level describes different components, which can be independent products or intermediates that will be combined to make the final product.

What is the material BOM is used for?

A material BOM serves many functions in a manufacturing and logistics company. It is crucial in planning, production, and resource management processes. The BOM helps in:

Bill of materials - is it necessary?

The BOM is essential for effective production process management in most manufacturing companies. Introducing a BOM into production allows for a better understanding of all the stages a product goes through, from raw material to finished product. Regardless of the production volume or the product’s complexity, a BOM is the foundation of an efficient production line.

With a BOM, controlling the entire production process is easy. Introducing even a minor change to one component without updating the BOM can result in production problems, delays, and increased costs. This is why keeping the BOM up-to-date and accurately maintained is so important.

Konstrukcja dokumentu BOM

Construction of the BOM document

A BOM is usually a hierarchical document that describes the structure of a product in detail. The structure of the BOM may vary from product to product and company to company, but several elements are invariable:

Types of material balances

BOMs can take various forms, depending on the needs of the enterprise. The most common types of BOMs include:

The benefits of creating a BOM for manufacturing

Creating a BOM has many benefits, especially for manufacturing companies:

In summary, the BOM is integral to production and logistics, enabling effective management of resources, costs, and production processes. With it, manufacturing companies can plan and achieve their goals effectively.

articles Business knowledge

ABC analysis – what is it, and when can it be useful?

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Analiza ABC - na czym polega i kiedy może być przydatna

ABC analysis, also known as the Pareto method, is one of the most popular techniques for managing inventory, production, and logistics. It involves dividing an assortment of products into three groups according to their value to the company. The ABC method allows us to manage resources better and focus on the items that generate the most benefit or require the most attention. It will enable companies to optimize their operations, improve efficiency, and better allocate resources.

ABC analysis - what does it mean?

The name “ABC” refers to three main categories for allocating goods or resources:

ABC analysis, also called Pareto analysis, is based on the Pareto principle, in which 20% of causes are responsible for 80% of effects. Applying this method to companies allows them to focus on the most critical resources that significantly impact financial performance.

What is the ABC method based on?

The ABC method involves analyzing an assortment of products based on their value. The principle is simple – products or resources are classified according to their value to the company’s total revenue or cost. The process consists of several steps:

ABC classification - how do you prepare the breakdown?

Preparing ABC classification in practice requires following several key steps:

Metoda ABC - przykłady

ABC method - examples

Example 1: Inventory management

Imagine a company that sells electronics. An ABC analysis shows that A products (e.g., laptops and smartphones) account for 20% of the product mix but generate 80% of revenue. B products (e.g., accessories) are 30% of the assortment, generating 15-20% of revenue, and C products (e.g., cables, cases) are 50% of the assortment, generating only 5-10% of income. In this case, the company can focus its activities on group A to better manage resources and optimize sales.


Example 2: Manufacturing

In the case of a manufacturing company, ABC analysis can look at the raw materials used in the production process. A-grade raw materials are the most essential and most expensive or frequently used items. B-grade raw materials are of average value, and C-grade raw materials are rarely used and account for a small percentage of total costs.

ABC analysis - when is it worth conducting?

ABC analysis is helpful in many cases, and its application can help a company at various stages of its operations:

In summary, ABC analysis is a versatile tool that can be used in various aspects of a business. It helps identify critical resources, better manage them, and focus attention on elements that have the most significant impact on company performance. In practice, it is one method that leads to more effective management and operations optimization.