Proprietary JPK with JPKV7M module for Microsoft Dynamics AX

The proprietary JPK module for Microsoft Dynamics AX is designed to quickly generate JPK single audit files according to the logical structure templates published by Poland’s Ministry of Finance (as at 8 May 2020).

Structures available in the module:

  • JPK_VAT (VAT register) SAF-T schemes (1)/(2)/(3), for periods ending on 30.09.2020
  • JPK_V7M (VAT register and monthly VAT declaration), for periods starting on 01.10.2020
  • JPK_FA (customer invoices) SAF-T schemes (1)/(2)/(3)
  • JPK_KR (accounting ledgers)
  • JPK_WB (bank statements)
  • JPK_MAG (warehouse).

The data for creating JPK files is generated based on Microsoft Dynamics AX fields and functions. The standard fields are supplemented with setup tables in the JPK application. The application needs to be set up once only, after software installation.

The intermediate step for the creation of JPK files is the data stored in auxiliary tables. It serves as a basis for generating XML files, which conform to JPK logical structures. This solution architecture makes it possible to review the generated data before exporting it into XML files.

The module also has an add-on which makes it possible to select a suitable SAF-T scheme version during the JPK file generating process.

Within the implementation, the Microsoft Dynamics AX system will by updated by procedural markings required for purchase and sales documents: groups of goods and services (GTU), document types, and procedures necessary to correctly generate the JPK_V7M file.

At the Customer’s request, the JPK module can be enhanced by the JPK Delivery add-on for comprehensive management of the generated JPK files and their transfer to Polish authorities directly from the Microsoft Dynamics AX system.

The module implementation agreement with INLOGICA covers a comprehensive programming and consultancy service.

The JPK module is a Microsoft Dynamics AX functionality available for system versions AX 4, 2009 and 2012.

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