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What is JPK?

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Co to jest JPK

The article refers to the SAF-T (en. Standard Audit File for Tax) file, valid in Poland under JPK (pl. Jednolity Plik Kontrolny). In this article, we will use the phrase JPK to make it easier to understand.

The Standard Audit File, or JPK, is a term that many people, especially those unfamiliar with tax and accounting issues, may need help understanding. However, it is an important concept that plays a crucial role in business in Poland.

A JPK, or Standard Control File, is an electronic document containing information about transactions made by an entrepreneur during his business activities. The most critical JPK is the JPK VAT, which includes detailed value-added tax (VAT) payment information. Value-added tax (VAT) payment information The launch of the JPK is part of a broader initiative to improve tax audits and combat illegal trade.

Who introduced the JPK?

The Ministry of Finance introduced JPK in response to the need to streamline the collection and analysis of tax information. With JPK, businesses can submit VAT data, i.e., the standard VAT Control File (JPK VAT) and other tax returns in a standardized electronic format. This has streamlined the JPK filing process, eliminating the need for manual paper filing.

When was JPK introduced? The first stage of JPK for VAT was introduced on July 1, 2016, for large entities. The second stage applies to small and medium-sized entities as of January 1, 2017, while microenterprises must file JPK as of January 1, 2018. From then on, businesses must send VAT JPK on specific monthly dates. Since then, JPK has become an essential part of the tax settlement process in Poland.

Who is affected by the JPK?

This obligation primarily applies to entrepreneurs conducting business activities in Poland subject to VAT and other taxes, such as CIT (corporate income tax) or PIT (personal income tax). In practice, this means that most companies operating in Poland must file JPK regularly. However, the exact requirements may vary depending on the type of business and form of taxation.

When JPK is not required?

First, it is essential to remember that the JPK is only mandatory for VAT taxpayers. This means that individuals running a business, a company, or another entity, not a VAT taxpayer, are not required to report VAT to JPK. The critical criterion is, therefore, VAT taxpayer status.

Another situation in which it is unnecessary to submit a JPK is the period before the company is registered as a VAT taxpayer. This means newly registered entrepreneurs do not have to send JPK until officially registered for VAT. In addition, there is no obligation to file a JPK if the taxpayer has not conducted business activities for a certain period and, therefore, has not earned income subject to VAT. In such a case, sending a JPK VAT is unnecessary.

JPK co to jest

Standard Audit File - How to submit it and where to send it?

To file JPK, an entrepreneur must prepare documents in a suitable format that meets the technical requirements. It is best to use the JPK generator program, available on the website of the Ministry of Finance. Once the documents are prepared, the entrepreneur must log on to and submit the JPK to the relevant tax authority.

The VAT JPK file should be sent to the relevant tax authority via the online e-Declarations system on To file a JPK, each bidder must have a suitably qualified electronic ID. After sending the document, the system will automatically confirm receipt of the document and any errors in the file.

Generation of JPK files in accounting programs

To create a JPK, one must use appropriate accounting software that meets the requirements of the tax authorities. Accounting software programs can automatically create JPK files based on entered accounting data. Please make sure your software is updated regularly to make sure it complies with the latest regulations.

INLOGICA has prepared a modification for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4, 2009, 2012, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP systems, with which you can quickly generate a JPK file based on data from the system. In addition, it is possible to directly send the file from the system level to the appropriate tax authority and receive an Official Certificate of Receipt (UPO).

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articles Business knowledge

KSeF and structured invoices

The KSeF and structured invoices will be mandatory in Poland from 1 January 2024

What is KSeF?

KSeF is a central National E-Invoicing System. It enables its users to issue, store and receive electronic invoices. Poland is the fourth country in the European Union to introduce electronic invoices in a structured data format. The system is intended to simplify the documentation of sales and the control of the accuracy of business invoicing. The Polish Ministry of Finance released a production version of the KSeF app in May this year. It can already be used on a voluntary basis if a business chooses to issue invoices in a structured data format. Please note that the recipient of e-invoices issued via the KSeF during the transition period must first approve this form of invoicing. One can, of course, safely assume that such acceptance will no longer be necessary once the use of the National E-Invoicing System becomes mandatory.

What is a structured invoice?

A structured invoice is an invoice issued via the National E-Invoicing System (the KSeF), together with an ID allocated by the system. The invoice is produced in the xml format and its data is structured in accordance with the e-invoice logical structure published by the Ministry of Finance.

In case of financial and accounting systems integrated with the KSeF: submitting an invoice to the KSeF is tantamount to issuing that invoice and putting it in circulation. The National E-Invoicing System will generate an Official Certificate of Receipt (UPO) in return. Each invoice will also be assigned a KSeF-ID number, indicating that the customer has actually received the invoice.

What are the main benefits of using structured invoices?

  1. Uniformity of invoices. Reduced handling time for incoming and outgoing invoices, automation of processes.
  2. Elimination of costs associated with OCR tools, printing and posting paper invoices.
  3. Certainty of having complied with the duty to ensure authenticity of origin, integrity of content and legibility of invoices.
  4. Storage of invoices at the KSeF for ten years. Savings on archive handling and hardware resources.
  5. Guarantee that the invoices reach the recipient. No need to issue invoice duplicates. It is also not without significance that the switch from traditional paper invoices to e-invoices is no longer just a trend or a bow to the environment, but also a necessity.

When will it become mandatory to use the KSeF?

Last month, the Council of the European Union agreed that electronic invoicing become mandatory in Poland from 1 January 2024 onwards. This means that all businesses will have to issue and receive invoices in a structured data format via the National e-Invoicing System.

KSeF versus JPK?

During the transition period, businesses using the KSeF will not be asked by the Tax Office to send their JPKs (single audit files) for invoices.

On the other hand, all entities which choose to work with the KSeF only after it becomes mandatory will still have to be ready to present to the tax authorities single audit files concerning sales invoices in accordance with the latest applicable JPK-FA(4) structure during the transition period.

Looking for ways to integrate your Microsoft Dynamics AX/365 system with the KSeF?

Let’s talk!

articles Business knowledge

New version of VAT declaration with registers JPK-V7M(2) starting from January 2022

The Polish Ministry of Finance have published a preliminary logical structure of a new version of the JPK-VAT file for a declaration with registers (JPK-V7M).

The updated version contains a number of changes which entered into force as of July this year. For example:

  • the GTU procedural markings (for groups of goods and services) have been made more precise now,
  • the MPP procedural markings (referring to the split payment schema) have been eliminated,
  • the markings for SW (mail order sales from Poland) and EE (telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services ) procedures have been replaced with one common procedural marking WSTO_EE (intra-community distance sales of goods and provision of telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services to consumers and non-taxpayers in another EU state),
  • a marking element for the IED procedure has been introduced (with reference to taxpayers who facilitate buyer and seller contact by using an electronic interface, i.e. for example an online store, as part of their business activities),
  • several definitions of fields with relevant texts have also been updated, including those referring to VAT refunds, for which also additional shortened refund deadlines have been added, for example a 40-day deadline for making a VAT refund in connection with using the National E-Invoicing System (KSeF), planned to go live in January 2022. The new JPK-V7M(2) structure will be applicable to settlement periods starting on or after January 2022.

In practice, the first JPK-V7M files will not be transmitted in their latest version until February next year.

articles Business knowledge

Are you wary of remote work? No need to be. Cloud PC has arrived!

A new Microsoft Windows 365 service has been available to business users in Poland for a few days now – it is a fully cloud-based computer. The service consists in the streaming of the Windows system with the entire content – applications, settings, data – from Microsoft’s cloud onto any device, in a secure way.

It appears that Microsoft 365 is the perfect response to the new remote and hybrid work reality.

If you happen to work from any location and on any device, you no longer need to bother about keeping your system and apps up to date, or about the accessibility and security of your work results. You can now easily switch between your laptop, tablet and phone. Conveniently and effortlessly.

Windows 365 is available in the following versions:

  • Business for small and mid-sized enterprises (up to 300 users)
  • Enterprise for larger businesses.

You can select the most cost-effective subscription version to suit the number of virtual machines, memory demand, additional services required by your organisation.

Take part in the real technological revolution and enjoy a full Windows experience via Cloud PC!

articles Business knowledge

Structured invoice data files to be transmitted into the National E-Invoicing System in Poland starting from January 2022

An electronic invoice is a digital file which contains structured invoice data. It will become an optional invoice format in Poland starting from 1 January 2022.  

According to the announcements of the Polish Ministry of Finance, it is also likely that it will become mandatory for all businesses to issue structured invoices starting from the year 2023.

How is it going to look in practice?

First and foremost, the recipient has to give their consent to being issued an e-invoice in the form of a structured file.  

If the recipient does not agree to receiving their invoices through the National E-Invoicing System (KSeF), then it will still be possible to issue invoices in a structured data format, but nevertheless the recipient will have to receive the respective invoices in a format that they will accept (in a digital or paper form).

E-invoices issued in on-premises or cloud-based accounting software will be transmitted to the KSeF via an API.

  • The KSeF will timestamp the invoice and allocate to it a unique ID.
  • The date of invoice transmission to the KSeF will be taken as the date of e-invoice issue, while the date of allocating an ID will be considered to be the date of invoice receipt.

If the recipient does not consent to receiving e-invoices, the existing rules governing the invoice receipt date will apply.

Communication with the KSeF will enable downloading a single invoice or a batch of invoices.

It will be possible to correct an invoice by issuing a structured correction invoice, which will have to contain a reference to the ID allocated by the KSeF to the original invoice.

Correction notes, RR invoices, and proforma invoices will not be recorded in the National E-Invoicing System. The current rules for issuing and receiving those documents will apply.

How can businesses benefit from e-invoicing?

  • Certainty that the counterparty has received the invoice.
  • Guarantee of invoice authenticity, content integrity and readability.
  • Increased efficiency of automated invoice posting due to a unified invoice structure.  
  • No need to issue invoice duplicates.
  • No need to retain invoice documents.
  • No need to hand over invoices to tax authorities.
  • Preferential 40-day VAT refund deadline.
  • Exemption from the duty to sent the JPK-FA single audit file at the request of the tax authorities.