articles Business knowledge

REGON number – what is it, what is it used for, and who assigns it?

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Numer REGON - co to jest, do czego służy i kto go nadaje

What is the REGON number?

The REGON (National Economy Register) number is a unique identifier assigned to businesses and institutions in Poland, used to identify them in administrative and statistical systems. It is one of the critical pieces of information used by offices, institutions, and other entities to track economic activity at the national level. What is REGON? Many entrepreneurs ask themselves this question, especially at the beginning of their business. REGON is essential in creating business records and facilitating contact with various institutions and public services.

REGON is not only an important tool in monitoring the national economy but also an essential element in the day-to-day operation of businesses. Registering a company in the REGON register allows the state administration to formalize the business entity. This makes it possible to conduct business by the applicable law and take advantage of various reliefs and public services.

REGON number - what is it used for?

The REGON number serves many functions in administrative and economic areas. First, it allows for tracking business activity and statistically classifying companies according to their type of activity. It is also used by both public and private institutions to identify a business entity.

With the REGON number, offices can monitor and analyze economic activity at various levels. The Central Statistical Office (CSO) can use it for statistical research and company records at other public institutions. The REGON number is also used to register companies in banking systems, payment systems, and contractor databases.

It is also worth mentioning that the REGON number is required when submitting many business-related documents, such as applications for grants and tax returns, and when cooperating with other companies. In practice, the REGON number becomes a critical element enabling a company to operate effectively in the market.

Who assigns a company's REGON?

The Central Statistical Office (CSO) assigns the REGON number. It is this institution that registers businesses in the REGON system. REGON enrollment occurs automatically when registering a company in the Central Register of Business Activity and Information (CEIDG) or the National Court Register (KRS).

Entrepreneurs do not need to submit a separate application for a REGON number, as the entire procedure is carried out automatically during business registration. The CSO assigns the REGON number within a few working days after the company is registered with the relevant institution. This process is entirely free of charge.

However, it is worth remembering that the REGON number is assigned not only to companies but also to public institutions, foundations, associations, and other organizations operating in Poland. Any entity that wants to operate legally and by Polish law must be registered in the REGON register.

REGON number - how many digits does it count?

It is worth noting the structure of the REGON number. Each REGON number consists of nine digits. The first eight digits are the identification number, which is unique for each entity. The last, ninth digit, has a control function, which is calculated based on unique mathematical algorithms to detect any errors in the number.

For large entities, such as limited liability companies, public institutions, or other organizations with larger-scale operations, assigning a REGON number with a length of 14 digits is possible. In this case, the first nine digits are the primary identification number, and the remaining five digits allow for further detailed designation of internal units of the company, such as branches or subsidiaries.

Therefore, the question “REGON, how many digits?” has two answers: for most companies, the REGON number has nine digits, while for larger entities and their organizational units, the number can be 14.

Jak znaleźć REGON firmy

How to find a company's REGON?

A company’s REGON number can be found in several ways. The simplest way is to use the search engine for business entities available on the Central Statistical Office website. Enter a company’s name, tax ID number, or KRS number to access REGON number information.

Alternatively, the REGON number can be found on company documents, such as invoices, contracts, or other official letters in which the company must provide its registration data. The REGON number is also available in the CEIDG registration certificate, which every entrepreneur receives after registering his business.

For companies registered with the National Court Register (KRS), the REGON number is also available in the KRS’s public database, which can be retrieved after providing the relevant company information.

If you’re wondering how to find a company’s REGON, the above-mentioned sources can provide quick access to this crucial information.

articles Business knowledge

APS system – what is it, what function does it perform, and how can it be integrated with ERP?

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System APS - co to jest, jaką pełni funkcję i jak zintegrować go z ERP

APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) is an advanced IT tool that assists companies in planning and scheduling production. Its main goal is to optimize production processes by using resources more efficiently, reducing lead times, and minimizing operating costs. Unlike traditional planning methods based on static data, APS systems enable dynamic and precise production management based on current data and changing conditions.

Functions of an APS system in an enterprise

The APS system performs several vital functions invaluable in modern production management. First and foremost, the APS program enables the creation of detailed production schedules that consider constraints related to the availability of resources such as machinery, people, materials, or tools. APS systems analyze various production scenarios, identifying the most efficient solutions and allowing optimal time and cost management.

Another function APS-class systems perform is monitoring and controlling production execution. Thanks to the integration with other IT systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), progress can be tracked in real-time, allowing quick responses to problems or delays. In addition, APS systems allow forecasting material requirements and planning deliveries, which minimizes the risk of production downtime due to raw material shortages.

Benefits of implementing an APS system

Implementing an APS system in a company brings several benefits that can significantly improve operational efficiency and competitiveness. One of the most essential advantages of an APS system is the ability to plan production faster and more precisely. Thanks to advanced algorithms, APS systems can consider numerous variables and changing conditions, translating into more flexible and reality-adapted production schedules.

Another benefit is the reduction of operating costs. APS systems allow better utilization of available resources, which minimizes waste and downtime. In addition, more efficient inventory and supply management can reduce costs associated with warehousing and logistics.

Another significant benefit is improved customer service. With precise production planning, companies can reduce lead times, translating into higher customer satisfaction and greater brand loyalty. Implementing an APS system can also contribute to a company’s flexibility, allowing it to respond more quickly to changing market needs.

Jak zintegrować system klasy APS z ERP

How do you integrate an APS system with ERP?

Integrating an APS system with an ERP system is a key step in implementing this solution. ERP systems, which manage a company’s resources, financial, and operational data, provide essential information that the APS system uses to optimize production. To ensure smooth cooperation between these systems, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of business processes and determine which data are crucial for production optimization.

The first step in integrating APS and ERP systems is to set up a data exchange interface between them. Today’s APS programs are usually equipped with integration modules that enable seamless communication with ERP systems. The key element here is to ensure data consistency—the information transferred from the ERP system to the APS must be up-to-date and accurate so that the APS system can properly optimize production processes.

The next step is to adapt the APS system’s configuration to the company’s specifics. This includes defining which production processes the system will manage and what input data will be used to create production schedules. This often requires close cooperation with the IT team and consultants responsible for the ERP implementation.

Ultimately, integrating the APS system with the ERP should be tested on various production scenarios to ensure the two systems work together correctly and deliver the expected results. Once the testing phase is complete, the APS and ERP systems can be put into the entire operation, allowing the company to realize the full potential of both solutions.

Examples of APS system applications in various industries

APS systems are used in a wide variety of industries wherever efficient production management is crucial to a company’s success. In the automotive sector, APS can manage complex production processes involving hundreds of different components and suppliers. Thanks to precise scheduling, car production times can be shortened and costs associated with parts storage reduced.

In the food industry, APS-class systems are often used to manage food production with a short shelf life. Precise scheduling allows for optimal use of raw materials and minimization of losses associated with expired products. In addition, APS systems allow for quick adjustment of production to changing market trends and consumer demand.

In the pharmaceutical industry, the APS system can manage drug production, which requires strict adherence to quality standards and legal regulations. With advanced monitoring and control functions, APS systems help ensure regulatory compliance and high product quality.

In summary, APS systems are invaluable tools in production management, and they are used in a wide range of industries, from automotive to food to pharmaceuticals. Integrating APS with ERP allows the full potential of both systems to be realized, resulting in greater operational efficiency and competitiveness for the company in the market.

articles Business knowledge

Production planning and accounting – how do you do it right?

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Planowanie i rozliczanie produkcji jak zrobić to dobrze

Production cost accounting - what does it consist of?

Accounting for production costs involves identifying, recording, and analyzing all costs associated with the production process. These costs can be divided into several main categories:

Accounting for production step by step

The process of accounting for production can be divided into several steps that help to monitor accurately and control costs:

Production cost accounting - what should be kept in mind?

Production cost accounting is a vital part of the cost accounting process. Here are some aspects to keep in mind when keeping production cost records:

Rozliczanie kosztów produkcji za pomocą systemu ERP

Accounting for production costs with an ERP system

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are a tool that significantly facilitates the management and accounting of production costs. With an integrated platform, an ERP system allows you to effectively manage all aspects of production, from planning to cost recording and analysis.

articles Business knowledge

How can inventory and warehouse management be done effectively with an ERP system?

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Zarządzanie zapasami i magazynem - jak zrobić to skutecznie przy pomocy systemu ERP

What is inventory management?

Inventory management is the process of monitoring and controlling the amount of products and raw materials in stock. It involves planning, ordering, storing, quality control, and inventory distribution to confirm that the company has the right amount of products available at the right time and place. Effective inventory management helps avoid excess inventory, which generates storage costs and shortages, leading to lost sales and dissatisfied customers.

What are the methods of inventory control?

Several inventory control methods can be used depending on a company’s specific operations and needs:

Key objectives of inventory management

Inventory management aims to achieve several key objectives:

Systemy zarządzania zapasami dla firm

Inventory management systems for businesses

Inventory management systems are software that helps companies monitor and control inventory in real time. Such systems can stand alone or be part of a more extensive ERP system. Critical functions of inventory management systems are:

Inventory management with ERP - how to do it?

An ERP system integrates all business processes into a single platform for better inventory and warehouse management. Here’s how to manage inventory with ERP:


Inventory and warehouse management are critical components of any company’s efficient operations. ERP systems for inventory management allow for data centralization, process automation, demand forecasting, storage optimization, and performance monitoring. This will enable companies to achieve higher levels of operational efficiency, minimize costs, and increase customer satisfaction. Choosing and implementing the right ERP system is an investment that brings tangible benefits in better inventory and warehouse management.

articles Business knowledge

OEE ratio – what is it, and how do you calculate production efficiency?

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Wskaźnik OEE - co to jest i jak obliczyć wydajność produkcji

What is the OEE indicator?

The OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) indicator is a key indicator used in production management to assess how efficiently machinery and equipment are used. OEE measures how well production resources are used to their full potential, eliminating losses due to unplanned downtime, low productivity, and quality defects. With the OEE indicator, companies can accurately monitor and optimize their production processes, increasing efficiency and competitiveness.

OEE indicator – formula

The calculation of the OEE indicator is based on three main components: availability, productivity, and quality. Each component is crucial in assessing a machine’s or production process’s efficiency. The formula for the OEE indicator is as follows:

OEE = Availability x Productivity x Quality

Availability =

Production time – Downtime

Production time

Productivity =

Actual performance

Theoretical performance


Number of good products

Total number of products

How do you calculate production efficiency?

Calculating production efficiency using OEE is critical to understanding and improving production processes. To do so accurately, it is necessary to consider the various aspects that affect machine uptime, machine capacity, and the quality of the products produced.

Calculating production efficiency with an ERP system

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are invaluable in managing production efficiency. By integrating data from different areas of a company’s operations, ERP systems enable accurate tracking and analysis of critical indicators, such as OEE. Using an ERP system to calculate production performance allows you to:

Najczęstsze błędy przy obliczaniu wskaźnika OEE

The most common mistakes in calculating the OEE indicator

Despite its simplicity, the calculation of the OEE indicator can be subject to errors that lead to an incorrect assessment of production efficiency. The most common mistakes include:

How can we improve the OEE rate in the production process?

Improving OEE is crucial for any company seeking to increase production efficiency. Here are some practical steps you can take to enhance OEE:

In summary, the OEE indicator is a critical tool in manufacturing performance management, allowing an accurate resource efficiency assessment. Calculating the OEE indicator with ERP systems enables automation and accuracy, and implementing optimization measures allows continuous improvement of production processes. Improving the OEE indicator translates into higher efficiency, quality, and competitiveness of the company in the market.

articles Business knowledge

Split payment – what is it, and what is the split payment mechanism?

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Split payment - co to jest i na czym polega mechanizm podzielonej płatności

What is the split payment?

Split payment, or split payment mechanism, is a VAT settlement system introduced in Poland to reduce fraud and tax evasion. It involves splitting payments for goods and services into the net and VAT amounts. Thanks to this solution, VAT goes directly to a particular VAT account held by a bank, making tax fraud more difficult. Split payment was introduced in Poland in July 2018 and has since been applied to many transactions.

How does split payment work?

The split payment mechanism works as follows: when the buyer pays for an invoice, the net amount goes to the seller’s current account, while the VAT amount is transferred to a particular VAT account. This account is maintained by a bank or SKOK and is used exclusively for VAT-related settlements. In this way, VAT is kept separate from the company’s current funds, which reduces the risk of its misuse.

An example of how split payment works:

1. the buyer receives an invoice for PLN 10,000 net + PLN 2,300 VAT.

2. When making the payment, the buyer transfers PLN 10,000 to the seller’s current account and PLN 2,300 to the seller’s VAT account.

3. the bank automatically divides the payment, transferring the VAT amount to the corresponding account.

Split payment mechanism - what goods does it cover?

The split payment mechanism covers certain goods and services vulnerable to tax fraud. The list of these goods and services is included in Appendix 15 of the VAT Law and includes, among others:

Businesses that trade in these goods or provide these services must use the split payment mechanism.

Split Payment kiedy jest obowiązkowy

Split payment - when is it mandatory?

Split payment is mandatory in certain situations, according to the VAT Law. It mainly applies to transactions that meet the following criteria:

The seller must include the annotation “split payment mechanism” on the invoice in such cases. Failure to make such an annotation may result in the imposition of sanctions by the tax authority.

Split payment mechanism - how do you make a transfer?

Making a transfer under the split payment mechanism is simple but requires accuracy and attention. To make a payment, follow the steps below:

1. Select the split payment option in electronic banking: In the electronic banking system, select the option of split payment transfer or transfer to a VAT account.

2. Enter the transfer data: In the transfer form, enter the net amount, the VAT amount, the invoice number, and the vendor’s tax ID number.

3. Checking the data: Before approving the transfer, carefully checking all entered data is a good idea to avoid errors.

4. Approval of transfer: Approve the transfer after entering and checking the data. The bank will automatically split the payment, transferring the VAT amount to the seller’s VAT account.

The split payment mechanism significantly improves transaction transparency and reduces the risk of tax fraud. Sellers and buyers are equally obligated to use split payment, so both parties must know their responsibilities.



Split payment is an effective tool in the fight against tax fraud, which involves splitting the payment for goods and services into a net amount and VAT. This mechanism is mandatory for certain transactions involving goods and services listed in Appendix 15 of the VAT Act and exceeding a gross value of PLN 15,000. Entrepreneurs must remember to mark invoices and correctly execute split payment transfers properly. By doing so, they can avoid sanctions and ensure the transparency of their business operations.

articles Business knowledge

Technical manufacturing cost (TMC) – what is it, and how can it be calculated?

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Techniczny koszt wytworzenia (TKW) - co to jest i jak go obliczyć

Technical manufacturing cost (TMC) is an essential financial indicator for manufacturing companies to determine product production costs. In this article, we will explain what technical manufacturing cost is, what elements make it up, how to calculate it, and how to use ERP systems to calculate manufacturing costs accurately.

What is TMC's technical manufacturing cost?

Technical manufacturing cost (TMC) is the sum of a company’s costs in producing a specific product. It includes the cost of materials, labor, and other direct and indirect costs associated with the production process. The technical cost of production is necessary for setting sales prices, budget planning, and assessing the profitability of production.

Technical manufacturing cost - what does it consist of?

Technical manufacturing costs consist of several essential elements that must be considered to determine production costs accurately. These are:

Jak obliczyć techniczny koszt wytworzenia - wzór

How to calculate the technical cost of production – formula

The calculation of technical manufacturing cost requires including all the above components. The formula for calculating the technical manufacturing cost is as follows:

TMC = Costs of direct materials + Costs of direct labor + Indirect production costs + Additional costs.

Example of calculation:

If a company incurs the following costs:

  • Direct material costs: PLN 100,000
  • Direct labor costs: PLN 50,000
  • Indirect production costs: PLN 30,000
  • Additional costs: PLN 20,000

Then, the technical cost of production (TMC) is:

TMC = PLN 100,000 + PLN 50,000 + PLN 30,000 + PLN 20,000 = PLN 200,000.

TMC - How do we calculate production costs with the help of an ERP system?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are indispensable for managing production costs. They integrate all aspects of a company’s operations, enabling accurate and efficient monitoring and calculation of production costs. Here’s how an ERP system can help calculate the technical cost of manufacturing:

In summary, the technical cost of production (TMC) is a crucial indicator for manufacturing companies. It includes the cost of materials, labor, and other costs associated with the production process. Calculating TMC is essential for product pricing, budget planning, and assessing production profitability. ERP systems significantly facilitate production costing by providing accuracy, automation, and real-time monitoring of costs. They enable companies to manage their resources more efficiently and increase business profitability.

articles Business knowledge

Whitelist of VAT taxpayers – what is it, and how can we get on it?

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Biała lista podatników VAT - co to jest i jak się na niej znaleźć?

The whitelist of VAT taxpayers was introduced in Poland to increase transparency and security of business transactions. Below are details on the whitelist, such as how to report an account to it, check if you are on it, and why you should be on it.

VAT whitelist - what is it?

The VAT whitelist is an official register maintained by the National Tax Administration that contains information about VAT taxpayers. It includes data on companies registered as active VAT taxpayers and those that have been removed from the register or re-registered. The list was introduced on September 1, 2019, as part of the Law on Amendments to the VAT Law and Certain Other Laws. Its primary purpose is to enable businesses to check the reliability of their contractors and reduce the risk of tax fraud.

How to report an account to the whitelist of VAT taxpayers?

To report an account to the whitelist of VAT taxpayers, you must first ensure that the business account you want to report is a checking account held at a bank or SKOK. Then follow a few simple steps:

The data will be automatically transferred to the VAT whitelist once the bank account is declared and the business is registered.

VAT whitelist - how do I check if I am on it?

Checking whether you are on the VAT whitelist is very simple. This can be done in several ways:

Why is it a good idea to be on the whitelist of VAT payers?

Being on the VAT whitelist has several benefits that can significantly affect a company’s operations. Here are some of them:

In conclusion, the VAT whitelist is an essential tool that helps entrepreneurs run safe and transparent businesses. It minimizes the risk of tax fraud and ensures your credibility in the eyes of your contractors. If you still need to submit your account to the whitelist, it is worth doing so as soon as possible to enjoy all the benefits of being on the list.

articles Business knowledge

ERP versus WMS – differences and comparison

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ERP, a WMS - różnice i porównanie

WMS in logistics

WMS system – what is it?

A WMS (Warehouse Management System) is advanced software for warehouse operations. It supports processes such as goods receipt, storage, order picking, and shipping. What does a WMS logistics system mean? The system is a crucial component of warehouse management that allows you to optimize warehouse space, increase operational efficiency, and improve inventory accuracy.

Critical functions of the WMS system

ERP system - what is it?

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is integrated software that supports the management of all resources and business processes in a company. ERP integrates different areas of a company’s operations, such as finance, production, sales, purchasing, human resources, and logistics, into one cohesive platform. The goal of an ERP system is to centralize data and processes, leading to better coordination, operational efficiency, and informed business decisions.

Critical functions of the ERP system

System ERP, a WMS - różnice

ERP vs. WMS - the differences

ERP vs. WMS – differences in functionality

An ERP system is a comprehensive tool for managing a company’s resources and business processes. It covers various functions, from finance to human resources and sales. ERP centralizes data from different departments, eliminating information redundancy and reducing the risk of errors.

A WMS, on the other hand, is a specialized tool focused on warehouse operations. It optimizes processes related to receiving, storage, order picking, and shipping goods. The main goal of a WMS is to increase the warehouse’s operational efficiency and improve inventory accuracy.

ERP vs. WMS – differences in data integration

An ERP system integrates data from different company departments, allowing for better coordination and more informed business decisions. The centralization of data in ERP eliminates the need for manual information entry and reduces the risk of errors.

A WMS focuses on detailed data about warehouse operations. A WMS may need to be integrated with an ERP system to ensure a smooth flow of information between different company departments.

ERP vs. WMS – differences in process automation

An ERP system automates various business processes, including managing finance, production, human resources, sales, and purchasing.

A WMS automates warehouse processes such as goods receiving, storage, order picking, and shipping. It uses technologies such as barcode scanners and RFID systems to improve the accuracy and efficiency of warehouse operations.

ERP versus WMS - which system should you choose?

The choice between ERP and WMS depends on a company’s specific needs.


ERP and WMS systems play different but complementary roles in business management. An ERP system offers a broad spectrum of functions and integrates all aspects of a company’s business, while a WMS focuses on optimizing warehouse operations. The choice between the two systems depends on the specific needs, scope of operations, company size, budget, and particular logistics requirements. Understanding the differences and functions of the two systems is crucial in making an informed decision that will bring the most significant benefit to the company. In many cases, integrating the two systems may be the best solution, allowing you to realize the full potential of advanced warehouse management and comprehensive management of your company’s resources.

articles Business knowledge

Why information systems are critical in logistics

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Dlaczego systemy logistyczne są kluczowe w ligistyce

Information systems in logistics play a crucial role in managing processes, increasing efficiency, and optimizing resources. In the era of digitization and globalization, logistics faces growing demands for speed, precision, and complexity of operations. Logistics systems enable better coordination, cost reduction, and improved customer service.

They make it possible to monitor the flow of goods in real-time, manage inventory, and plan transport routes, significantly affecting companies’ competitiveness in the market.

Information systems in logistics

Logistics information systems are a wide range of tools and programs that support various aspects of supply chain management. One of the most critical systems is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, which integrates all business processes into a consistent platform. An ERP system in logistics enables resource management, production planning, warehouse management, and order processing. Other IT programs, such as WMS (Warehouse Management System), TMS (Transport Management System), or SCM (Supply Chain Management) systems, also play an essential role in streamlining logistics operations.

Information technologies in logistics

Logistics information technologies include a wide range of solutions that contribute to the automation and digitization of processes. Among the most important technologies are the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data and blockchain. IoT allows for real-time monitoring of the status of goods and vehicles, which increases transparency and efficiency in the supply chain. AI and big data enable the analysis of large data sets to predict demand, optimize routes, and manage inventory. Conversely, blockchain provides security and transparency in transactions, which is particularly important in international logistics operations.

Technologie informatyczne w logistyce

ERP system and other logistics tools

The ERP system in logistics is one of the most essential tools supporting business process management. It integrates various enterprise functions such as planning, production, sales, finance, and human resource management. As a result, companies can plan and execute their logistics operations more efficiently. Other logistics tools, such as WMS, TMS, and SCM systems, are also necessary. WMS systems allow warehouse management, storage space optimization, and inventory control. TMS systems support transportation management, route planning, and shipment monitoring. On the other hand, SCM systems integrate all processes in the supply chain, from procurement to distribution.

Summary of the role of information systems and IT in modern logistics

Logistics information systems and IT technologies are crucial in modern logistics operations. They allow automation and digitization of processes, contributing to increased efficiency, cost reduction, and improved customer service. With ERP, WMS, TMS, and SCM systems, companies can effectively manage resources, plan production, optimize warehousing, and monitor transportation. Technologies such as IoT, AI, big data, and blockchain further support these processes by providing transparency, security, and the ability to analyze large data sets. As a result, companies implementing modern IT systems and technologies gain a competitive advantage in the market, responding faster and more effectively to changing market conditions and customer expectations.

By using advanced logistics systems, risks can be better managed, potential problems identified, and business decisions made more informed. Warehouse IT systems, such as WMS, allow for optimizing warehouse space and increasing operational efficiency, which has a direct impact on the cost of storing and handling goods.

IT and logistics programs also play a crucial role in inventory management. They make it possible to track inventory levels in real time, allowing a quick response to changes in demand and avoiding over or under-stocking.

In summary, IT systems and technologies are an integral part of modern logistics, helping to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer service. Companies that invest in modern IT solutions gain a significant competitive advantage by better managing their processes, resources, and customer relationships. As a result, they can respond more quickly and effectively to changing market conditions, which is crucial to their long-term success and growth.