The article refers to the SAF-T (en. Standard Audit File for Tax) file, valid in Poland under JPK (pl. Jednolity Plik Kontrolny). In this article, we will use the phrase JPK to make it easier to understand.
The Standard Audit File, or JPK, is a term that many people, especially those unfamiliar with tax and accounting issues, may need help understanding. However, it is an important concept that plays a crucial role in business in Poland.
A JPK, or Standard Control File, is an electronic document containing information about transactions made by an entrepreneur during his business activities. The most critical JPK is the JPK VAT, which includes detailed value-added tax (VAT) payment information. Value-added tax (VAT) payment information The launch of the JPK is part of a broader initiative to improve tax audits and combat illegal trade.
Who introduced the JPK?
The Ministry of Finance introduced JPK in response to the need to streamline the collection and analysis of tax information. With JPK, businesses can submit VAT data, i.e., the standard VAT Control File (JPK VAT) and other tax returns in a standardized electronic format. This has streamlined the JPK filing process, eliminating the need for manual paper filing.
When was JPK introduced? The first stage of JPK for VAT was introduced on July 1, 2016, for large entities. The second stage applies to small and medium-sized entities as of January 1, 2017, while microenterprises must file JPK as of January 1, 2018. From then on, businesses must send VAT JPK on specific monthly dates. Since then, JPK has become an essential part of the tax settlement process in Poland.
Who is affected by the JPK?
This obligation primarily applies to entrepreneurs conducting business activities in Poland subject to VAT and other taxes, such as CIT (corporate income tax) or PIT (personal income tax). In practice, this means that most companies operating in Poland must file JPK regularly. However, the exact requirements may vary depending on the type of business and form of taxation.
When JPK is not required?
First, it is essential to remember that the JPK is only mandatory for VAT taxpayers. This means that individuals running a business, a company, or another entity, not a VAT taxpayer, are not required to report VAT to JPK. The critical criterion is, therefore, VAT taxpayer status.
Another situation in which it is unnecessary to submit a JPK is the period before the company is registered as a VAT taxpayer. This means newly registered entrepreneurs do not have to send JPK until officially registered for VAT. In addition, there is no obligation to file a JPK if the taxpayer has not conducted business activities for a certain period and, therefore, has not earned income subject to VAT. In such a case, sending a JPK VAT is unnecessary.

Standard Audit File - How to submit it and where to send it?
To file JPK, an entrepreneur must prepare documents in a suitable format that meets the technical requirements. It is best to use the JPK generator program, available on the website of the Ministry of Finance. Once the documents are prepared, the entrepreneur must log on to Podatki.gov.pl and submit the JPK to the relevant tax authority.
The VAT JPK file should be sent to the relevant tax authority via the online e-Declarations system on Podatki.gov.pl. To file a JPK, each bidder must have a suitably qualified electronic ID. After sending the document, the system will automatically confirm receipt of the document and any errors in the file.
Generation of JPK files in accounting programs
To create a JPK, one must use appropriate accounting software that meets the requirements of the tax authorities. Accounting software programs can automatically create JPK files based on entered accounting data. Please make sure your software is updated regularly to make sure it complies with the latest regulations.
INLOGICA has prepared a modification for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4, 2009, 2012, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP systems, with which you can quickly generate a JPK file based on data from the system. In addition, it is possible to directly send the file from the system level to the appropriate tax authority and receive an Official Certificate of Receipt (UPO).
Check out our application: https://inlogica.com/en/products-and-services/jpk/