JPK-FA(4) – changes to the Polish single audit file for reporting sales invoices

The Polish Ministry of Finance has published the fourth version of the JPK-FA single audit file structure. By way of reminder: the tax authorities may request the presentation of a JPK-FA(4) file, alongside other single audit files, in order to carry out formal checks, tax audits, or to conduct fiscal proceedings. Once requested to do so, the company will have 3 days to produce to the authorities a sales invoices file generated in accordance with the required structure.

When will the new JPK-FA(4) structure become mandatory? On 1st April 2022.

What has been changed for the new JPK-FA(4)? The structure now contains, among others, an updated glossary of EU member state codes and an updated currency code glossary. The node containing identification details for non-natural persons has been expanded to contain identification numbers for OSS and IOSS purposes (EUPLVATID and IMPLVATID). Several descriptions of structure elements have received an update, too. More detail can be found in the Ministry of Finance’s JPK_FA(4) Information Brochure.

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