REGON number – what is it, what is it used for, and who assigns it?

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Numer REGON - co to jest, do czego służy i kto go nadaje

What is the REGON number?

The REGON (National Economy Register) number is a unique identifier assigned to businesses and institutions in Poland, used to identify them in administrative and statistical systems. It is one of the critical pieces of information used by offices, institutions, and other entities to track economic activity at the national level. What is REGON? Many entrepreneurs ask themselves this question, especially at the beginning of their business. REGON is essential in creating business records and facilitating contact with various institutions and public services.

REGON is not only an important tool in monitoring the national economy but also an essential element in the day-to-day operation of businesses. Registering a company in the REGON register allows the state administration to formalize the business entity. This makes it possible to conduct business by the applicable law and take advantage of various reliefs and public services.

REGON number - what is it used for?

The REGON number serves many functions in administrative and economic areas. First, it allows for tracking business activity and statistically classifying companies according to their type of activity. It is also used by both public and private institutions to identify a business entity.

With the REGON number, offices can monitor and analyze economic activity at various levels. The Central Statistical Office (CSO) can use it for statistical research and company records at other public institutions. The REGON number is also used to register companies in banking systems, payment systems, and contractor databases.

It is also worth mentioning that the REGON number is required when submitting many business-related documents, such as applications for grants and tax returns, and when cooperating with other companies. In practice, the REGON number becomes a critical element enabling a company to operate effectively in the market.

Who assigns a company's REGON?

The Central Statistical Office (CSO) assigns the REGON number. It is this institution that registers businesses in the REGON system. REGON enrollment occurs automatically when registering a company in the Central Register of Business Activity and Information (CEIDG) or the National Court Register (KRS).

Entrepreneurs do not need to submit a separate application for a REGON number, as the entire procedure is carried out automatically during business registration. The CSO assigns the REGON number within a few working days after the company is registered with the relevant institution. This process is entirely free of charge.

However, it is worth remembering that the REGON number is assigned not only to companies but also to public institutions, foundations, associations, and other organizations operating in Poland. Any entity that wants to operate legally and by Polish law must be registered in the REGON register.

REGON number - how many digits does it count?

It is worth noting the structure of the REGON number. Each REGON number consists of nine digits. The first eight digits are the identification number, which is unique for each entity. The last, ninth digit, has a control function, which is calculated based on unique mathematical algorithms to detect any errors in the number.

For large entities, such as limited liability companies, public institutions, or other organizations with larger-scale operations, assigning a REGON number with a length of 14 digits is possible. In this case, the first nine digits are the primary identification number, and the remaining five digits allow for further detailed designation of internal units of the company, such as branches or subsidiaries.

Therefore, the question “REGON, how many digits?” has two answers: for most companies, the REGON number has nine digits, while for larger entities and their organizational units, the number can be 14.

Jak znaleźć REGON firmy

How to find a company's REGON?

A company’s REGON number can be found in several ways. The simplest way is to use the search engine for business entities available on the Central Statistical Office website. Enter a company’s name, tax ID number, or KRS number to access REGON number information.

Alternatively, the REGON number can be found on company documents, such as invoices, contracts, or other official letters in which the company must provide its registration data. The REGON number is also available in the CEIDG registration certificate, which every entrepreneur receives after registering his business.

For companies registered with the National Court Register (KRS), the REGON number is also available in the KRS’s public database, which can be retrieved after providing the relevant company information.

If you’re wondering how to find a company’s REGON, the above-mentioned sources can provide quick access to this crucial information.

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