OEE ratio – what is it, and how do you calculate production efficiency?

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Wskaźnik OEE - co to jest i jak obliczyć wydajność produkcji

What is the OEE indicator?

The OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) indicator is a key indicator used in production management to assess how efficiently machinery and equipment are used. OEE measures how well production resources are used to their full potential, eliminating losses due to unplanned downtime, low productivity, and quality defects. With the OEE indicator, companies can accurately monitor and optimize their production processes, increasing efficiency and competitiveness.

OEE indicator – formula

The calculation of the OEE indicator is based on three main components: availability, productivity, and quality. Each component is crucial in assessing a machine’s or production process’s efficiency. The formula for the OEE indicator is as follows:

OEE = Availability x Productivity x Quality

Availability =

Production time – Downtime

Production time

Productivity =

Actual performance

Theoretical performance


Number of good products

Total number of products

How do you calculate production efficiency?

Calculating production efficiency using OEE is critical to understanding and improving production processes. To do so accurately, it is necessary to consider the various aspects that affect machine uptime, machine capacity, and the quality of the products produced.

Calculating production efficiency with an ERP system

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are invaluable in managing production efficiency. By integrating data from different areas of a company’s operations, ERP systems enable accurate tracking and analysis of critical indicators, such as OEE. Using an ERP system to calculate production performance allows you to:

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The most common mistakes in calculating the OEE indicator

Despite its simplicity, the calculation of the OEE indicator can be subject to errors that lead to an incorrect assessment of production efficiency. The most common mistakes include:

How can we improve the OEE rate in the production process?

Improving OEE is crucial for any company seeking to increase production efficiency. Here are some practical steps you can take to enhance OEE:

In summary, the OEE indicator is a critical tool in manufacturing performance management, allowing an accurate resource efficiency assessment. Calculating the OEE indicator with ERP systems enables automation and accuracy, and implementing optimization measures allows continuous improvement of production processes. Improving the OEE indicator translates into higher efficiency, quality, and competitiveness of the company in the market.

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