Whitelist of VAT taxpayers – what is it, and how can we get on it?

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Biała lista podatników VAT - co to jest i jak się na niej znaleźć?

The whitelist of VAT taxpayers was introduced in Poland to increase transparency and security of business transactions. Below are details on the whitelist, such as how to report an account to it, check if you are on it, and why you should be on it.

VAT whitelist - what is it?

The VAT whitelist is an official register maintained by the National Tax Administration that contains information about VAT taxpayers. It includes data on companies registered as active VAT taxpayers and those that have been removed from the register or re-registered. The list was introduced on September 1, 2019, as part of the Law on Amendments to the VAT Law and Certain Other Laws. Its primary purpose is to enable businesses to check the reliability of their contractors and reduce the risk of tax fraud.

How to report an account to the whitelist of VAT taxpayers?

To report an account to the whitelist of VAT taxpayers, you must first ensure that the business account you want to report is a checking account held at a bank or SKOK. Then follow a few simple steps:

The data will be automatically transferred to the VAT whitelist once the bank account is declared and the business is registered.

VAT whitelist - how do I check if I am on it?

Checking whether you are on the VAT whitelist is very simple. This can be done in several ways:

Why is it a good idea to be on the whitelist of VAT payers?

Being on the VAT whitelist has several benefits that can significantly affect a company’s operations. Here are some of them:

In conclusion, the VAT whitelist is an essential tool that helps entrepreneurs run safe and transparent businesses. It minimizes the risk of tax fraud and ensures your credibility in the eyes of your contractors. If you still need to submit your account to the whitelist, it is worth doing so as soon as possible to enjoy all the benefits of being on the list.

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