The European TIN (VAT Identification Number) is a unique tax identifier assigned to companies doing business within the European Union. Verifying this number is crucial in international transactions to ensure correct VAT settlements and avoid tax irregularities. Below, you will find information on the European TIN, how to check it, and where to do it.
European TIN check - is it possible?
A European TIN check is possible and extremely important in international transactions. For companies making sales or purchases between European Union countries in so-called intra-community transactions, the correctness of the European TIN is crucial. By correctly verifying the VAT number, the entrepreneur can:
- Confirm the tax status of the counterparty.
- Ensure that the transaction is subject to intra-community acquisition or supply rules.
- Preserve the right to apply the 0% VAT rate in appropriate cases.
Verification of the European TIN is available to everyone, meaning businesses and individuals can check the correctness of the VAT number if they have access to it.
How do you check the European TIN?
The European TIN can be checked in a few simple steps using official tools provided by the European Union or national tax authorities. Here are instructions on how to check a European TIN:
- Gather the necessary data:
- What is the VAT number of the contractor you want to check?
- The country in which the company is registered (assigned to the VAT number).
- Open an official verification platform: The most popular tool is VIES (VAT Information Exchange System), managed by the European Commission.
- Enter data: On the VIES page, enter the VAT number and select the member country in which the company is registered.
- Read the result: The VIES system will display information about the contractor's VAT status and registration data (if available).
It’s worth remembering that if the VIES system indicates that the VAT number is incorrect, it may mean that the counterparty is not registered for VAT in its country or that the number provided contains an error.
Where to check the European TIN?
If you are wondering where to check the European TIN, you have several options:
- VIES (VAT Information Exchange System): The European Commission's official platform for verifying VAT numbers for all EU member countries. This is the fastest and most reliable way to check a European TIN. The tool is available online and does not require a login.
- National tax offices: In some countries, including Poland, it is possible to contact the national tax office to confirm a contractor's VAT number.
- Business platforms and commercial tools: Paid online tools also offer European TIN verification and additional features such as counterparty data analysis, company history checking, and risk assessment.
- Counterparty registration documents: You can often ask the contractor to provide registration documents that include the VAT number and its status.
When is it a good idea to check the European TIN?
- Before entering a contract with a new foreign counterparty.
- Before carrying out intra-community transactions.
- During an internal audit of the company.
The European TIN check is essential in verifying contractors and ensuring the correctness of VAT settlements in international transactions. The verification process is quick and easy, thanks to the VIES system and other online tools. If you’re wondering how to verify a European TIN or where to do it, use official sources such as the VIES system. Correct verification is the key to operating safely and legally in the EU market.