Letting go of documentation – Mistake 7 – ERP D365 implementations

Letting go of documentation

Regardless of the industry or project, you often hear, “Do you have it on email?”

And no wonder. This is essential in any job where we rely on other people’s decisions, especially when money and the time input of an entire team of specialists.

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Usually, the obstacle to writing down the arrangements after business, working, and summary meetings is the need for more time. Structures “by word of mouth” prevail. Mutual trust is essential, but there are aspects where you should act according to the principle of limited faith on the road. It is better to be wise before any harm is done and document all project arrangements.

This way, we will avoid misunderstandings, and the work will go according to the previous record. Each time, we can change the record or update the status or scope of tasks.

We know the unwritten rule that a working system is more important than detailed documentation. However, we prefer not to risk “in-your-face” arrangements.

Let’s strive to define acceptance criteria for the task or at least establish a definition of task completion.

Otherwise, we may get something we no longer need, didn’t order in the first place, or not get what we wanted.

An efficient implementation is characterized by design flexibility. However, it is essential to record a common understanding of the purpose and scope of the performance in the contract or other project document. And the so-called “word-of-mouth” arrangements are better documented as a summary in an email or other established communication tool. This will save time and money as a result.

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Hiding behind the lack of time to write a summary email is incomprehensible because, in practice, it often does not take more than a quarter of an hour and costs as much as nothing (although de facto, it does cost – and must be part of the recorded work effort in the project).

Thanks to the documentation, we have the assumptions written down in case of a misunderstanding, error, or simply “screwing things up” during implementation. In case of contentious issues, both on the part of the client and the implementation team, there will be something to refer to. Common sense in such a situation often avoids nerves and rising costs. It is worth having everything “in black and white.”

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